Tribe of Swirling Mist Allegiances + Info

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:Tribe of Swirling Mist:

When walking a tom must never move aside for a she-cat. If she does not alter her course, feel free to run into her.All she cats are owned by a tom. By their father until their coming of age ceremony. After that they are owned by their mate.Toms can change mates whenever they like. She cats can never do this.The murder of a she cat is not counted as a crime. Nor is the murder of kit under 3 moons.If a she cat disobeys a tom they can be punished accordingly.A she cat cannot hunt or fight and any cat who trains them to is immediately killed,along with the she cat and any of her kits under 3 moons.There are no elders,every cat works until they die.Toms hunt for themselves and their mate. If they don't feed their mate,that's up to them.

At the age of 4 moons a she cat's father gives her to a tom. This is the coming of age ceremony.The next leader will be the one who kills the previous leader. (There is no deputy)

The tribe was formed when Stag and his mate came to the moor and set up a den. Other cats, mostly toms, started to join them and soon there were an uneven ratio. She cats became rare in the tribe. Now toms fought for mates and those with mates,killed to keep them. Adult toms started to give the father's of she kits gifts in hope of getting their daughter. Over time this became a tradition. The tribe get their name from the thick fog that cover the moor lands. New clans call them the 'cats of the mist'.

Flat open moor land with many dips and tunnels.It's a day's solid travel to reach anywhere that a cat would actually want to go. Lots of heather and the occasional river. These cats love the hills and open air.

 |COMMON PREY| -Rabbits,pheasants,pheasants egg's,mice and moles.

|RARE PREY| -Hawk fledglings,squirrels,rats and fish.

|COMMON PREDATORS| -Hawks,foxes and badgers.

|RARE PREDATORS| -Bears and the occasional wolf.


Leader: Screech From Mighty Hawk - A dark brown and black tabby tom with lighter brown underbelly. His paws are flecked with white and his ears hold many nicks. Dark green eyes and a mus clear build. (SilverHawk2709)

Prey-Hunters: Wind that Chases Away Clouds - Heavy Long-haired murky brown spotted tabby Siberian tom with dull brown eyes. (Air_Time)

Shadow that Creeps Silently - a white tom with a grey splash on his back that 'creeps' outwards on his sides. His fur is long and feels like down feathers. His eyes are a nice shade of silver and his body build under his fur is a bit moderate, not muscular, but not oriental. (RavenOfOblivion)

Cave-Guards: Flash Of Lightening - light ginger tom with yellowish amber eyes. (-Disky)

Scorch of Lightning - Cream colored tabby with a single white paw. He has thick, soft fur and amber eyes. He looks very similar to his sister, except he is larger than her. (Amorfera)

She-cats: Lonely Flower in Meadow - Cream colored tabby with white underbelly and paws. She has thick, soft fur and pale green eyes. Slim but tall. (Amorfera)

Glow of Sunset - Dark brown she-cat with light brown underbelly and white face. She has black tabby stripes. Her fur is thick and soft like her siblings'. Her eyes are a very dark green. She is shorter than her sister, but not as thin. She is a beautiful cat, but she has several scars. Her fur hides most of them, though. (Amorfera)

 Fall Of Mist - pale gray she cat with dark blue eyes. (-Disky-)  




To-Bes: Snow that Melts on Water - Petite Long-haired gray Siberian she-cat with a dark gray, almost black overcoat and a pair of sharp amber eyes. (Air_Time)

Warrior Cats Roleplay - Creation of the ClansOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz