Tribe of Gnarled Root Allegiances + Info

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:Tribe of Gnarled Root:

1. The Leader is the oldest she-cat.

2. The elders are to be respected above all. Disrespect them and you will go without food for two suns.

3. Toms are subservient to she-cats. If an order is disobeyed, the tom will be banished from the camp for two suns.

4. Question the Leader, and you will be punished.

5. Elders are fed first, then kits, then she-cats, and then toms.

6. Toms protect the Tribe, and she-cats hunt.

7. If a tom makes unwanted advances on a she-cat, he will be severely punished.

8. The murder of any cat is punishable by death, but the murder of an elder is punishable by death by starvation.

9. Trespassers are not to be killed, unless they attempt to harm a fellow Tribe member. If they do, kill them on the spot.

10. Every new moon, every Tribe member gathers to honor Gnarled Root.

11. The eldest tom is the medicine cat. 

12. Kits must be 8 moons old to become a To-be. 

13. Toms that cannot fight will attend to the needs of the other Tribe members. 

14. An elder tom has more authority than a young she-cat.

This is a very old Tribe. They once lived far away, but an earthquake forced them to flee. The eldest she-cat, named Gnarled Root, led the Tribe out of the disaster, keeping them unified and working together. She held the Tribe together during this terrible time, and she led them to safety. However, the journey was too much for her, and she died a day after arriving in their new home. The Tribe was named after her, and the cats decided to honor elders and she-cats in her memory. Since then, the oldest she-cat has led the Tribe with unquestioned authority, and they have not forgotten their former Leader.

Thick, dense forests, consisting of many different types of trees. There are also several rivers running through this fairly large territory. Any cat not familiar with the terrain could easily be lost in the dense, dark forest. Wolves inhabit some of the forest, but the Tribe knows how to avoid them and how to live alongside them. Intruders are often not so lucky.

Clan Prey - Squirrels, birds, bird eggs, mice, chipmunks, fish

Clan Predators - Foxes, badgers, wolves, owls, and the very rare bear

Allegiance Info

Leader - Eldest she-cat, makes almost all of the decisions.

Advisor - A cat of the Leader's choosing who helps coordinate the Tribe.

 Prey hunter - She-cats that hunt for food. 

Guards - Tom cats that protect the Tribe from invaders and predators. 

To-be - cats of nine months or older that are learning how to hunt or fight.

 Elder - Cats too old to hunt or fight, hold the highest ranking other than Leader and Advisor. 

Queens - She-cats nursing kits. 

Medicine Cat - The oldest tom. Every cat knows medicine to some extent, but he is the expert. The current medicine cat always has a student that he teaches. There are always three medicine cats in total, to ensure the knowledge is never lost.

Storyteller: These are a she-cat and a tom whose job is to pass along stories. They keep the Clan's history alive.


Leader: Ice that Shatters on the River - Silver she-cat with white belly, paws, tail tip, and face. She has gray fur due to her age. She is a small cat with thick fur. (Amorfera)


Prey-Hunters: Feather of Fallen Bird - Long-haired reddish-brown tabby Abyssinian she-cat with a white chest and paws along with a pair of dark brown eyes. (Air_Time)

Guards: Splinter of Fallen Tree - Dark brown tom with a black tail tip. He has dark amber eyes and black spots. He is a huge cat with long fur and big paws. (Amorfera)

To-Be: Shard of Pointed Ice - Sleek calico Oriental tom with white van markings and a pair of murky green eyes. (Air_Time)




Medicine Cats:


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