Hi I'm transgender

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Welcome all you FTM followers out there, welcome all the curious guys and gals and inbetweens. Welcome to those struggling with sexuality and gender. Know you are not alone. Know in the very air that you breathe that you are not alone. Everyone has a story I just never thought I'd get to tell mine.

In case you didn't know I used to be a girl. I went as a girl for 15 years of my life. Spent it pretending in a makeshift shelter that I thought was protecting but was really breaking me down from the inside out. How sometimes you feel like you're suffocating. How he calls you sir and you automatically brighten but brush it off as if it isn't a big deal. You're not out yet. Just another year of social conformity.

That's what I told myself for years even if I acted, walked and felt like a boy. I forced myself to wear pretty dresses even if the dysphoria ate me alive. Even if it killed me. That's part of the reason why I cut my hair, why I refused to shave for weeks, why I tried to make my voice lower and hated my body. I hate my body most days. Some days It's not as bad as others but It's still bad. Because no matter what through it all I'm an honest to god guy. People need to start knowing that that's who I honestly am.

I was always a boy never a girl. That's just who I am.

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