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Rosia pov
This is why I'm never a morning person! I smell food and cooking so I went downstairs and notice my dad and brother.

"Hey Dad and Matt" I said smiling.

"Hey sweet heart" Alaric said smiling.

"I have to show u guys something" I said smiling.

"Show us" Matt said as him and Alaric look shocked as they both see the stuff shattering.

"See?" I said opening my eyes smiling.

"Oh my gods,Your a witch and a Vampire" Matt said smiling.

"Hello Lena,Bon and Care" I said walking by Matt.

"Hey Ria,and Matt" Bon said.

"Matt,are you going to a party?" Care asked.

"Uh.... " Matt said.

"Oh I understand if u want to spend time with Ria, Since she been gone for 6 months" Care said.

"That's okay,Matt Spend time with them,I be fine" I said smiling.

So I left to go to Grill.

"Hey Sweetie,How come u ain't home?" Alaric said.

"I didn't want to be alone" I said purring.

"Ah, I'm assuming Matt went to the party?" Alaric said.

"Yep with Caroline and Bonnie and Elena" I said grabbing  her drink

"Do u know where Tyler is?" an Irish voice said.

"No I don't and who u?" Alaric said.

"I'm Klaus,And seem everyone left" He said

"Well suggest u to leave now" Alaric said.

Klaus went to grab Alaric, But fell down and look over at the witch

"Never touch my family!" I said angrily. Til Someone touch her

"Relax my Lil Wit-Vamp" Damon said smiling.

"Hey Buddy" Alaric said.

"Damon,Tell her to stop please" Klaus said.

"Hey Guys,What going on?" Stefan said

"Well the little witch did something and made me bleed and now Damon won't tell her to stop" Klaus said

"Why I stop her?" Stefan said crossing his arms.

"Because" Klaus said.


Alaric notice the blood, "sweetie stop"

"Okay" I said releasing him

"So Ria,Seem to be the lovely around family but not Mikaelson" Klaus said.

"Shut up" I said growling and went over to a empty table as soon everyone arrives that she knows and hated.

"I'm assume u are Rosia" Elijah said try to hugs her but Damon growl and back away.

"Shut up and leave me be" I said growling.

"Whoa since when u know the witch spell!?" Bonnie said

" Please be quiet" I said.

"She a failure" Klaus said laughing, Til I raise my hand up and use my power to slam him against the wall, everyone around look shock.

"Say something else I'll burn u" I said mumble.

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