chapter 13

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Ria pov
I wrote in my diary,I knew it has to be done Woking up to a machine I feel like I'm not a human being.

"Katrina" Bon said.

"Yes Bonnie?" I said.

"Are you okay??" Bon said and I look at her.

"New Life New Year New start," I said smiling

"I gotta say this year's is gonna kick ass" Bonnie said.

"Bon Thank you,You should be with Elena" I said.

"Hey Kat, Have you heard from Elena?" Matt said.

"Matt No I haven't heard from Elena, Why?" I said.

"She kill Vicki" Matt said.

"Matt,Im sorry I'll let u know if I heard from Elena" I said and walk off.

"Where Elena?" I said worried

"She fine trust me she is" Bon said.

"Why did u guys lock her up?" I said angry making the house shatter.

"Ria Stop" Bon said worries they realize Elena disappear and Ria too

"Guys we need to do something"Jer said.

"Katherina not normal, She a vampire what do you except?" Bon said.

"Hey Hey Elena look at me" I said.

"Where am I?" Elena said.

"They didn't fed u well take my hand Elena and we will fed you on human" I said and surprise she took it and I lead her to the human girl.

"Who's this?" Elena said.

"Oh this is Lily" Katherine said.
Katherine,Elena,Katherina are triple twin.

"She look yummy" Elena said try but I grab her.

"Remember don't kill Lil sis" I said. Katherine and I watch Her feed on Lily.

"So did u manged to find out who kill Tyler mother?" Katherine said. Katherine is Good not bad now.

"Yep, Just found out it was the man u have been running from" I said looking at her.

"Klaus" Katherine said.

"Yep, Don't worry we got Someone" Elena said smirking.

"Who would that be sista" I said smirking.

"Rebekah" Elena said smiling.

"Hm Fancy" I said picking up her phone.

"Hello?" Liz said

"How the Magic holding up?" I said.

"Great because We got Bonnie helping us," Liz said.

"Good,Because we need a Bennett so About that We got Rebekah" I said

"Wait why her?" Liz said.

"Remember Liz,Klaus murder Tyler mother,I want to kill Him" I said.

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