chapter 15.

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Alia Pov
I smile as I walk into the Salvatore house and heard Elena Dating Damon which sorta break me.

"Get out" Elena growling I sighs and look at them, "you know that not very welcoming" I said sighing.

"We don't need your help!" Elena snap at me as if I'm supposed to be scared.

"Right but your boyfriend invite me" I said looking at Stefan

"U invite her after I told u what she did?" Elena said to Stefan

"Because she a lot stronger and faster" Stefan said..

"No we don't need her, she just care about Jeremy" Elena snap so I flip the knife and threw it at her Damon notice it and caught it.

"That's my que for you to shut up Elena" I said and she got mad and went at me but Stefan stand in front of me.

"Move Stefan" elena said.

"No because she will kick your ass again not to mention she been train by Klaus and Elijah the two original" Stefan said seeing Stefan mad make me mad.

"So ur taking her side over mine?" Elena said with a puppy eyes.

"Yes and it about damn time someone be on her side,she was by my more than u two was" Stefan said.

"No screw this plan we will kill Connor" Damon said walking and Stefan got in his Face and give him Vervain and snap his neck and took his daylight ring as me and him left, we went in and hide but I got shot in my shoulder as we stand up with our arms in air and Elena tackle him Jeremy held his chest and almost falling over I vamp sped and grab him and went over the table as the Glass went in my legs and chest and shoulder.

"ALIA!" Jeremy said crying, Stefan and them heard it Stefan vamp sped back,

"Alia please wake up" Stefan said as Matt and April came and Saw Alia, Then Caroline and Bonnie came and they was shock but crying, Damon came and he saw The sisters of Elena and jer laying there dead, Elena came and saw Alia.

"No no no Alia" Elena said holding her sister for dear life while crying, They stood there watching Elena and Jeremy held onto Alia for dear life,Damon look at his brother Stefan but see him crying. Tyler came in with Liz.

"Ty don't " Damon said and Tyler push past Him and couldn't believe it he seeing his dead best friend.

"I'm sorry Elena and Jeremy can you move away from her" Liz said as they did and Liz stand above her pointing a gun before she shoot I grab her wrist making her drop the gun they shock.

"Leave me" I said standing up taking the glass out of my body.

"Ur hungry" April said.

"April she not gonna fed from us but I'm sure there one person in here" Damon said.

They watch Stefan walk up to Alia scared of what she might do.

"Here" Stefan said bites his wrist and held it up to my face and grab his wrists and vangs came out and drink his blood as veins appear under her eyes, which cause April to back up as I  stop.

"Feel better?" Stefan said

"Yeah Thanks Stefan" I said.

"So what are we waiting for?" I said as we head back to my house.

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