x So He's The Emo Boy and She's The Preppy Bitch x

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{ 3 } So He's The Emo Boy and She's The Preppy Bitch x

When I woke up, I frowned. I wasn't too happy about the position me and Alex were in. His arms were around my waist, his legs on top of mine, his lips smudging into my shoulder, and my arms resting against his thigh.

If I was the one that said no snuggling, why was I snuggling him?

And why did I like it?

"Alex?" I said quietly. "Alex, are you awake?"

His finger suddenly pressed against my lips. "Shhhh..."

My eyes widened. "What are you doing?"


"No Alex. We are not sleeping. We are spooning,"


"Alex, we should move."


"Because spooning leads to forking,"

"Cassie," he sighed. "Look at the facts. I'm comfy, you're comfy, what's not to like? Just because you're convinced you might lose control and throw yourself on me-"

"Hey!" I snapped; flipping Alex off me. He rolled over face down and burried his face in the pillow.

"What?" He groaned.

"Well 1st of all, I have self control and I have class. I will not, for any reason, throw myself on you. You're not all that cute,"

Well that was a lie.

Alex didn't say anything back, and I was a little scared I'd offended him? And that was different. Because I insulted him all the time and it made me feel good. But now, even though he was face down on the bed, I could practically see his sad face.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked quietly.

No reply.

I lightly shook Alex's shoulders. "Alex?"

"I wanna go downstairs," he mumbled.

"Go downstairs then,"

"Can you go see if my parents are down first?"


"Please Cassie?"

Then he popped his head up, stared at me with his clear eyes, and I was absolutley blown away. I'd never felt like that over a look. But it was just because he looked so sad..so desperate..so scared.

So I nodded. "Yeah, yeah ok."

Alex gave me a gentle smile. "Thanks,"

3 hours later, Alex finally came downstairs. His parents had been there when i went to check, and once I told him that, he refused to come down. My Dad eventually had to go up to talk to him and that still didn't help. I wasn't sure why Alex didn't want to come down. I had a feeling that he didn't get on with his parents. But it couldn't be that bad, right? I mean, what could he have done to upset them so much?

Or what could they have done to upset him?

Ugh, emo's were confusing.

Trevor was actually pretty nice and so was Claire. Only thing bad about them, was that they had that sort of unamused look all the time. In all honesty, the looked like depressed alcaholics who had died and come back to life. But I could see where Alex got his good looks from. His Dad was quite cute for an older guy.

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