x memories x

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x memories x (flashback chapter)

"I used to love him. I used to look up to him. But then he started hurting me. And I was too scared to stop it so I let it carry on. But then things started to get harder and he wouldn't stop. It was fucking me up so bad. I just hated him so fucking much. And when he had the gun to my head, I got so scared. I let him hurt me, but then there was that night when Dad came back and..."

{ Flashback ( 3rd Person) }

Alex was 8 when it first happened. In the middle of the night when his parents were out, his big brother was babysitting him. Sure Alex and Jeremy were only half brothers, but that didn't stop Alex from absolutley loving Jer.

Jeremy was different though.

He hated Alex; absolutley loathed him from the moment he was born. Alex was the reason Jeremy's parents had a divorce. Because his Dad was fucked up and had a baby with another women. That broke up their family, and then his Dad left to start a new one; leaving Jeremy abandoned.

Jeremy's real mother eventually found another boyfriend, but he wasn't nice. Yeah, he never laid a hand on Jeremy. But his Mom? She got all the abuse. The rapes, the violence, the anger. Jeremy was only 8, only young, in a way he thought it was normal.

He once asked his Step Father why he did that to his Mother.

His step father had put an arm around him and said, "this is what you do to the people who deserve pain."

And from then on, Jeremy was raised to abuse.

"I'll babysit him, you guys go and have fun." Jeremy urged, practically pushing his Dad and new bitch of a wife out the front door.

Trevor frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! I'm 16 and responsible and want to get to know my baby brother! Just go guys, have fun."

Trevor and Claire hesitated, but eventually agreed and left the house; leaving their 8 year old boy alone with an abuser.

Jeremy crept up to Alex who was sat at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal. This was it. The moment Jeremy had waited for, for so long. It was finally here.

He sat down next to his baby brother. "Hey Alex, do you wanna play a game?"

Alex's face lit up like Christmas. "Yeah!"

"Come here then," Jeremy chuckled and wrapped his arms around him. Lifting Alex to his feet, Jeremy carried him through to the living room and placed him down on the floor. He stood up to turn out the lights and shut the curtains. The tv was off and the house was silent.

Alex shifted on the floor.

"Can we play hide and seek?"

Jeremy shook his head. "I thought you wanted to play my game?"

"I do! How do you play?"

Jeremy sat down next to Alex. "Well, it's a very special game. The 1st rule is, you have to lie face down on the floor. Can you do that?"

"Yeah!" Alex chirped, feeling so excited. He'd never played this game before. He was looking forward to it. So following his big brother's demand, he lay face down.

Jeremy smiled. "Good. Now the 2nd rule is you have to keep very still. Can you do that?"

"Yeah," Alex said; becoming a little scared now. He felt Jeremy's hands grip his shirt. "No stop, I don't like this game. I wanna play hide and seek,"

Jeremy sighed in annoyance. "Alex who's in charge?"

"...you are,"

"So do everything I say,"

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