x ask me and i will x

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{ AN } Hey guys, the last chapter was kind of scary and disturbing and whatnot. But seriously? Do I really need to get messages telling me that I'm sick and fucked up for writing that stuff? I know it's not exactly your typical high school problem, but if you want silly little problems like "im troubled because i broke a nail" then go find your stories elsewhere.

I wasn't really going to waste my time on an explanation, but I'm going to just so I don't get any more messages like the one I just got.

Ok, so the reason why I included a rape storyline in this book and most of my others is because of this.

Ok, so I have this friend. Let's call him Jamie. When Jamie was 8 years old, his Mom died and his Dad went absolutley crazy. He started to physical/mentally and sexually abuse Jamie, and when Jamie was 11, his Dad raped him. This carried on until he was 16 when he finally told someone and got help. His Dad is now serving 14 years in jail, so wooo.

But yeah, Jamie was and still is one of my best friends. I've seen him suffer depression, ptsd, suicide attempts, self harm and a hell of a lot more. And because Jamie is one of my best friends, I feel very strongly about what he was put through. I want people to know that rape and abuse is a serious thing, that it doesn't just happen in movies and crime show dramas and that it's a daily struggle.

So yeah, that is why I write about that stuff. Because I feel strong about it and because in my stories, I can always give the victim/survivor a happy ending. I'm not sick or fucked up. I've even been through some of that shit in life but do not say I'm fucked up. 

Ok. Is that a good enough reason for writing about that stuff?

Great, rant over (:

Oh by the way, Jamie's fine now^.^ Well not fine, but you know, getting there (:

Anyways, here's the story! Oh, and as I'm a Geordie, sometimes it's hard for me not to write like a geordie..and i can't be bothered editing all my geordie language out anymore.

So...here's a quick guide for people who don't understand my language!

me = my

mortal = drunk, blah blah blah

us = me (that ones really confusing :s Here's an example!


Us = me (:

So that's mainly all I use, so i'm not going to edit my language out not more so just ignore it if you hate it :L (:



{ Cassie's Pov }

"My Dad just stopped speaking to me after that. I think he blames himself for letting it happen. It's not his fault though. And it's weird, but I don't blame myself either. I was just a little kid, I didn't know any better. It was Jeremy's fault. He was the fucked up one. But my Dad...he just stopped speaking all together. Mom wanted to tell the Police, but if she did then my Dad would go to jail for killing Jordan. I don't know what he did with the body, but he got rid of it. A few months later he started speaking to me again but only when he wanted to insult me. It was like he was using all of his hate for Jeremy and taking it out on me. He doesn't really hurt me. Like, he only calls me names and slaps me occassionally. When I did something that he didn't like, he'd threaten to rape me. He's not serious, but he knows it will shut me up. He doesn't hate me, he just doesn't want to accept the fact that his son messed me up. We're all just fucked up,"

When Scars Become Stars (on hold, sorry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن