Chapter Two

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Author's Note: Don't forget to give feedback please! Just leave a comment about what you think so far and I'll be able to improve this story as I go along 💙

    The rain came about an hour later, sprinkling at first and then, as if the sky had opened up, it began to fall a little harder. Everyone cheered with happiness, quickly moving to fill our bottles and mouths with as much rain water as possible. Daryl had returned from scavenging not long before the rain picked up, having caught a couple squirrels. "There's a barn, not too far back. We could use it for the night." he suggested as we spotted lightning in the distance, thunder cackling through the air as Rick motioned for us to follow Daryl, who'd already disappeared back into the trees. The forestry covered us from most of the rain as it turned into a heavy downpour, and we hurried along behind Daryl as he led us to the barn he'd mentioned. I looked ahead, noticing a small clearing, and to the side a barn. "Come on, get inside!" Rick called out as another roll of thunder filled our ears, the loud rumble making everyone jump and run for our temporary safe haven.

    I entered the barn with a gasp of air, the smell of mold filling my nostrils as I hugged myself, aiming to keep warm until we could build a fire.  Once everyone was inside, Daryl and Abraham closed the two large doors, and I watched as Abraham stretched. He pulled Rosita close to him as she smiled, laughing as he lifted her slightly, and I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of jealousy. But why? There was no attraction when it came to the redheaded man, who loved to push my buttons, and yet I still felt this way.

    His eyes connected with mine briefly and, much to her confusion, he quickly set her down, walking over to me. "Need something?" he asked, his shirt drenched from a mixture of sweat and rain, hair a darker shade of red as it had yet to dry. I shook my head, chewing at the inside of my cheek as he towered over me. "No, just wondering what she sees in you, is all." I replied with a grin, and something in his stature changed slightly as he cleared his throat. "Well, um...just let me know," he said softly before turning to leave, walking over to where Rick was starting a fire. I watched him with slight interest, surprised he didn't take a jab at me when I insulted him. Something in his eyes told me he wouldn't forget my remark, and I had no idea at the time that I'd grow to regret it.

Easy, Soldier.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon