Chapter Three

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   The storm had gotten worse than we expected it to, strong winds almost blowing the doors open, our new residence having caught the attention of a few nearby walkers as we worked together to hold it closed. Abraham stood behind me, using all of his strength as I tried not to slide in the dirt, my tongue sticking out in concentration as I grunted. This was the closest Abraham and I had ever been, our bodies almost completely pressed against the other as we waited out the storm, his chest against my back. "Careful there, Jones, you're pressing up against precious gargo." he chuckled into my ear, his warm breath dusting over my neck causing goosebumps to cover my skin.

    I took me a moment to realize what "precious cargo" he'd been talking about, and as I felt him against my rear a dark blush shaded my cheeks. "If this is what it takes to get you in this position, I hope this happens every night." Abraham teased softly, and I rolled my eyes as the storm died down, finally enough to where my assistance was no longer required. I pushed him back with my elbow, stepping around him as I retreated to the small fire. I could hear him chuckling as I walked off, and gritted my teeth as I fought the urge to snap at him, but luckily I kept it together...but just barely. I sat down across from Carl, who held Judith protectively in his arms while tending to the fire. "You okay?" I asked softly, and his head perked up at my words as he gave me a small smile. "Just glad to be dry." Judith gurgled loudly, as if replying to my question with a 'same here', and I smiled fondly at the infant. "Well, that makes three of us, though I'm pretty sure my hair won't dry anytime soon." I replied, pointing at my damp hair, which had been the most affected by the rain, with only a few water droplets down the back of my shirt.

    Carl laughed at my comment, revealing his dimples as he smiled brightly, and I felt my heart ache for this boy; a boy who'd been through hell, and yet still managed to stay happier than the rest of us combined. I watched the flames with mild interest as the storm slowly passed over the barn, watching it dance and pop, the heat warming my skin. People were beginning to crowd the small fire, one by one coming to sit down with an exhaustion in their eyes. I didn't blame them, it had been a rough night with little to no sleep for everyone, and I found my eyes slowly drooping closed as the minutes rolled by. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay," I stated with a yawn, pushing myself up from the ground as I headed to my previously claimed spot.

    Laying down, I rested my head on my bag carefully, curling up as I hugged my knees close to my chest. I was without a blanket, having given mine to Rick for Judith to use, so I'd have to be content with my natural body heat...I mean, what little I had at the moment. A few minutes passed, and I was beginning to think my teeth would fall out from all the clattering as my wet hair chilled my body. I could always go back to the fire, but I wasn't much in the mood to be around everyone else. Being an introvert, it was already awkward trying to converse with the group when I was in the mood, and though I was beginning to come out of my shell I still had my moments. Lost in my thoughts, I almost jumped out of my skin as someone covered my petite figure with a warm blanket, most likely warmed up by the fire. I opened my eyes, craning my neck to the left as I met Abraham's gaze. "Here, I'll dry off eventually." he mumbled softly before straightening back up, and as he walked away I had the growing urge to ask him to stay, but the only thing I could muster was a small 'thank you'. He looked back at me, giving me a small grin before I let my eyes close once again.

Easy, Soldier.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu