Where I saw it First (Chapter 1)

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I'm Clare. I'm a wizard. Don't believe me? I wouldn't either. Let me tell you the full story. It all started on may 24th. I was walking out of the school doors. A normal day. I was walking home that day. About half way home, I got tired and sat down. Then I saw it. A dragon. It was beautiful. It was rainbow colored, and looked magical, But it was flying down at me. I got up and ran. "HELP!!!!" I screamed in terror. "Don't be scared I won't hurt you. I am Gortan." I turned around quietly. "Y-y-y-you won't?" The dragon shook his head. "I am only here to give you a letter from Starset academy." He held out a letter with his rainbow hands. I took it and started to open it.

Dear Clare,

You have been selected for Starset academy. You will attend this school until your high school graduation. Please show this letter to your parents and no one else. We have informed your teacher about this letter. You may bring two friends with you to the academy.

Principal Kinnely

I sat silently. "Lolz and mycow. That's who I choose." Gortan offered me a ride home. I accepted it kindly. When I got home I gave my parents the letter as promised and texted Lolz. Meet me at the library. "I will be at the library with Lolz." I told my parents. "Can I show her the letter?" Mom looked at me. "If you chose her you can." I took the letter. When got to the library I saw Lolz sitting on a bean bag. "Hey there!" She smiled. "Hey. Look at this letter I got." She read through it and looked up at me. "Clare did you choose me and Mycow to go with you?" I nodded. She hugged me but then stopped. "We won't be able to see any of our other friends." I grabbed a book from the shelf. "I know." I sat next to her. "We can do it Lolz. I know we can.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Mom asked. We nodded nervously. We had all gotten another letter from Gortan. They said what to bring and that we will live there. Gortan flew down. "Climb aboard. I will take you to the transporter." We all climbed on and held on tight. Gortan flew us up and dropped us off at a station. The station was gold and looked slightly like a port a potty.

There were ten of these in a row. "Step inside children" Gortan said. Inside a remix started playing.

I looked through the little window and saw a city on a floating island. It was held down by large chains. And had water falls falling from it.

The gold box stopped on top of it. A small little guy about 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide waddled up to me. He had large ears and a wide nose. He had skinny vines on him. He was gray and chubby. And he had big green eyes. "Hello. I am your guide Garry. Come with me." We walked with him as he took us inside. "This is the main room. That desk is the principal's, Mr. Kinnely. And that door is where we are going." He pointed to a dark wooden door. "I will test you now. One at a time please." Garry said. Lolz was first. He sat her down on a tall stool. He grabbed a piece of paper. "Hello Lolz. Draw me a picture." She smiled and got to work. He studied her eyes and the way she drew. He then looked at the wall behind her. There was a chart on it. It had our names on it. Under Lolz's name the words blue green eyes and art appeared. Next it was my turn. I sat in the same stool. Instead of telling me to draw, he told me to create something out of cardboard, glitter glue, markers, and crayons. I got started right away. I made a sculpture of Garry. He had me stand with Lolz as he tested Mycow. I looked at the wall. Under my name it said Gold and brown hazel eyes, art. Under Mycow's name it said, Dark brown eyes, comedian. He then led us to a door that said history on it. When we walked inside we saw a teacher. She assigned seats. I sat in between Lolz and Mycow. And Lolz sat next to a guy named Veg. That was our row. The teacher told us to turn to page 26. When we got there I saw two pictures. One had a woman with dark hair. The other had a wizard in a dark cloak with red glowing eyes.

On the top of the page it said Dark magic. I read ahead.

Dark lords, Exitra and emperor deastive have used dark magic to kill millions of wizards and witches.

"Class. The tests you took before class determine whether your a wizard or witch. Results will be posted tomorrow. Please notify me if you don't see your result." Her voice echoed through the room as she started the lesson. The results were posted the next day.

Clare : wizard Lolz: wizard Bruce: Wizard Kitra: wizard

Mycow: witch Veg: witch Zoey: witch

Jeremy: knight Scarelet: knight Frege: knight

We had another test after seeing our results. I went first this time. Which is beautiful in your opinion. Our teacher Mrs. Humble Berry asked. We had to write our answer down on paper. After Mrs. Humble Berry collected all papers, she walked over to a fireplace with blue fire and burned our answers. "Clare, Veg, Zoey, Frege, and kitra come with me." We got up and followed her. Outside there were dragons. 5 dragons to be exact. Mrs. Humble Berry led us each to a dragon. Mine was the blue and black one. "Xinga" was what I named it. "Ride them" Mrs. Humble Betty said. We all got on and flew. For some it was hard. For me it was easy. The rest of the class watched us. Then Mrs. Humble Berry brought out unicorns. "Lolz, Mycow, scarelet, and Jeremy." They rode their unicorns. We all had fun riding our animals. The rest got giants.

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