Meeting the Elves (Chapter 5)

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We all get up off the ground. I walk toward Lolz. She looks at me in fear. "Mycow's right. How do we get out?" I look around the room. "We'll figure it out." I see a gun under a pillow and snatch it really fast. No one saw me, so I don't say anything.

As we scratch our heads in confusion, Veg starts to come closer to us. Then something caught my eye. Out of the blue I scream. "VEG STOP!!!" He looks down in even more confusion. After a minute or two, the pillow below him falls. "VEG!!!!" Lolz yells off the top of her lungs. "Oof..." Echoed through the blackness. "Oh my god! Are you ok!?" I hear a soft but firm voice ask. "Why are you green?" Veg asked, "Well. I'm an elf. You guys up there can come down here! It's safe I promise!!" The mysterious voice yelled. Not knowing what else to do we climbed down.

As soon as we get down I start to stare at the boy in front of me. The room lights up breaking my gaze. I see a large stone palace built directly inside a tree. It looks gorgeous.

The boy made my stomach have butterflies. I couldn't seem to get words out of my mouth. I sit there and stare. I try not to make it too obvious though. He has brown hair and a perfect face. Lolz walks over to him. "You have a secret admirer." She whispers making me blush. 'Way to go...' He laughs and says "I know. It's her," he points at me. "She stares a lot..." I turn away. 'WHAT THE HECK!? HE KNOWS IT'S YOU!!! OBVIOUS IDIOT!!! YOU FREAKING-' "Don't be at yourself up," A girl said cutting off my thoughts. The girl had beautiful white hair and she wore a green and gold outfit. "W-what!? How did you...?" She giggled. "I can read your mind. The names Britanay." I Shake her hand. "I'm Clare. Can he...?" She shakes her head, "no I'm the only mind reader." I let out a sigh. "Thank god." I look back at the elf and his beautiful face. "I'm Jace." I overhear him say to mycow. Mycow doesn't look happy and shakes his hand. "I'm gonna kill you..." He whispers. "I can hear you. We elves have big ears." I laugh at the stupid joke. Britanay looks at me. "I'll show you inside." She takes my hand and shows me inside.

There was a large room with doors on both sides. On the inside of the room there were lots and lots of elves. The place had a organic scent, and was decorated with green lamps and beautiful designs on the walls. The elves were staring at me and readying their bows. I could tell we weren't welcome. But never the less Britanay told everyone we are friends, and not to be afraid. Jayce came in with the other three. Another elf came forward. He looked like a professional killer. And he looked very strict. He led us to our own houses. We all had to split up, but we found elven daggers to protect ourselves, and plus I had a gun. Soon I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I open the door to see Jace. "...h-hello..." I stutter. "Hi." I invite him in and he sits down. "So... Why are you visiting me?" I ask. Butterflies going crazy. "Well I thought you'd wanna learn how to use a bow." I look down. "Yeah..." He looks at me and his brows furrow. " why do you have a gun?" I pull it out and point it at him. "Its for self defense, Don't you even think about hurting me." He gets up. "Don't shoot. Put the gun down. I won't hurt you." I slowly put it down. "I guess you don't need to know how to use a bow." I shake my head. "Never hurts." He smiles. "Good." He hands me a red bow and brings me to a shooting range outside my house. We start shooting arrows until I hit a perfect shot. He told me to come back here everyday after dawn. For about a month we lived there and he taught me how to shoot arrows.

The awkwardness was finally going away, and things were going great. I was happy, and so was everyone else. And the other elves consider us family. We would eat candy, make armor, play with weapons, and we'd play some pretty mean pranks on trolls. It felt like home, and I finally felt safe. 'No one can hurt me.' I'd tell myself at night. This time I believed it. 

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