The Planetary move (Chapter 8)

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I got packed. Maybe Brittany was right. I don't have to stay if there's nothing here for me. I can even find and convince Wess to tag along.

I took a book on planets in other galaxies and monsters that live there. The planets for my sake, the monsters for Wess. Funny, I have absolutely NO idea where Wes is, yet I always assume he'll agree to move to a whole new planet with me. I also assume for some reason, that the queen will be ok with it too.

I can probably retrace my steps and track him down. But yet again I have no clue where that giant cloud might have gone...

I finally finish up and throw my bags on Xinga. I say my goodbyes, but right before I can jump on my dragon, Liz yells "Take me with you!"

Liz and I had grown distant since we fell down the hole and came into the elven city, so I was kind of shocked. She showed me her packed bags and her light unicorn. I sighed before nodding my head "yes".

She climbed on her unicorn - which she named Kela- and I commanded Xinga to grab the unicorn before takeoff.

Miles and miles pass by as I ride through the clouds. Liz didn't say much. Just felt the air going through her hair and clothes. During the breaks to let Xinga rest, and for us to eat before taking a bathroom break, she just told me when she was leaving, and when She's ready to go again. I honestly didn't know why she was so eager to go if she wasn't going to talk to me along the way.

After 1,000 miles of no talk, and no giant clouds, she finally says, "He's following us." I Turn around real fast. She shook her head like I was the biggest moron in the world. "He's not here right now. He left when you complained about not finding the palace." I kicked some pebbles. 'It's not like I know who HE is anyway. Who knows if he's even evil at all.

Suddenly she jolted up. "THAT'S IT!!!" How she knows what it looks like, I have no clue, but she was right, above us was a giant grey cloud. I jumped on Xinga, abandoning the fire. Liz did the same with Kela, but she brought the sleeping bags we were sitting on. Down came Wess, whom landed on Xinga and yelled "Don't you ever leave me again!" I got a fluttery feeling in my stomach before joking, "Missed you too Loverboy." He blushed before giving me a satisfactory hug, along with a sigh of relief.

As soon as we got inside the Palace, The queen ran up to me and hugged me kindly. Then she slapped me across the face and gave me a long, boring, queenly, lecture.

"I was wondering if Liz and I can stay here for a few nights, before we take off." I asked, but also demanded. She nodded signaling Wess to show Liz to her room.

When I woke up the next morning, I knew I was gonna make a huge breakfast, mostly to fill the seemingly bottomless pit in my stomach. Today I was going to convince a queen to let me use her Teleportation stone to travel to a whole different planet with her finest soldier. That was going to be the easiest part. The hardest was gonna be convincing that soldier to go with me.

I grumble and get up. It was fairly early. I walk to my cloud kitchen to make myself five or six pancakes, ten slices of bacon, a large bowl of cereal and finally a cracker with easy cheese on top. Delish. As I stuff my face with all these foods Liz comes in the kitchen. "You're lucky you have a fast metabolism." She says in a sleepy and slightly disgusted tone. I pause to swallow. "Thanks?" I manage to say. She sighs and waves her hand around to tell me to continue. I shovel the last of my pancakes in my mouth.

When I'm sadly stuck doing the dishes, Liz lets Wess in. Embarassingly, I'm in my black sweats and tank top. A beautiful girl came into the room with him. Obviously I thought she was his girlfriend but no. She had long hair that was obviously dyed red a few months earlier. She had a choker and a black sweater on. She had a lot of necklaces and was excited about something.

"READY TO GO SHOPPING?!" She exclaimed. I look at Wess who sighed. "She wants to show you a store called gothic topic. I think you'll like it." I grabbed some jeans to change into, but before I got to my room she yelled "NO TIME!!! I have 1,000 fidbits to spend with you! COME ON!!!" She grabbed my arm and ran outside. I look at Wess with my "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" face. He shrugged.

Soon we got to this amazing place which seemed like had everything. I bought a lot of crap. Goth gloves, band t-shirts, I got snakebite piercings, lots of bracelets and chokers, and black nail polish in a skull container. I also bought a black and red unicorn hoodie and a lot of pins to put on it.

"We have to go now! It's almost time for your conference!"We ran outside and I jumped on Xinga. When we arrived The queen looked nervous. I was all black and goth and stuff, so Wess gave me a shocked look.

The queen payed no attention to my outfit and just said "Clare Jamie Fixx, you come with Lizzy Sam Teara, to discuss my my teleportation stone. Is this correct?" We both nod. "What is it you'd like to discuss?" This is when I stood up. "I want to travel to Luxuria." Everyone in the conference gasped. Wess looked down and pouted. "You'll need an escort." The queen then said after a minute of processing the news. "I was gonna bring Wess and Jenny if that was ok with you." Wess looked up from his sulk. "Jenny is inexperienced for this trip." She said, "But neither are we," I point out. "but maybe you can train her." I say as I point at Wess. He nods. A smirk crossing his face. "Ok..." She says with a sigh. "We leave in a week.

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