Bruce (chapter 3)

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Clare's p.o.v.:

We invited Veg to sit with us at lunch due to Lolz's crush on him. During lunch Jeremy came over in a full suit of armor. "Hey can I sit with you?" He asked his voice echoing through his helmet. We nodded our heads. A girl with short black hair, green hazel eyes, and a staff came over and stood by Jeremy. "Oh yeah. Can my girlfriend Zoey sit here too?" He asked. I nodded. Lolz saw the opportunity and took it. "Zoey, Jeremy, welcome to our little group!" We all smiled on cue. Jeremy took off his helmet and looked around at the crowded room. "Watch out! Here comes Bruce and his gang!" We looked up at a tall boy with a square jaw, and brown hair. He was walking with a small group of people. He glared at Zoey and Jeremy. "I see you found a group of your own." Scarlet snickered. "Yeah they did. And it's better than your stupid group!" I yelled. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at me and Bruce. " Don't talk about MY group like that! Or you'll be sorry!" I glared at him. "Is that a THREAT!?" Bruce glared back at me with beady eyes. I could tell he was about to protest, but then Garry came over. "Bruce. Clare. No fights." He said in a calm but stern tone. "If this stuck up jerk doesn't leave Zoey and Jeremy alone there will be fights!" I snapped. "I understand you are sticking up for them and I understand Bruce bullying them makes you angry. And Bruce WILL be punished for his actions. But you need to take it down a notch." Garry scolded. I nodded and turned back toward my friends. Bruce left with his group and Garry followed. "Thanks for defending us." Zoey said. "No problem." I said calmly. "What a show!" Lolz said. "You bet!" I said in return. We ate. After lunch we had another run in with Bruce."I LOST GIANT PRIVILEGES BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" He yelled as he charged at me. I dodged sending him sprawling toward the floor. He got up and punched me in the nose. I just held my nose and called for Garry. He held him down and asked if I was ok. I nodded and left.

We walked into the woods right outside near the road. Veg chucked a rock past the gate. Instead of hitting the ground it hit the invisible force field surrounding the school. He does that when he's bored. Suddenly it started to rain. "Sacakastara!" I yelled clearing the rain. "Somebody learned a new spe-ell." Lolz said teasingly. We all laughed. "YOU STUPID TROLL!!" We headed a deep voice yell in anger. We all hid peeking at a dark figure standing outside the force field.

It was him. The guy I read about! Emperor deastive!! He's killed millions! Next to him stood... Garry!

"YOU KNOW WHO OUR TARGET IS!! DESTROY THEM!! IF MY SON HAS TO GO TO THIS SCHOOL, YOU HAVE TO KILL CLARE AND HER FRIENDS!!! BRUCE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM!!" Deastive yelled. Garry nodded. "I will kill them at midnight while they sleep." Deastive turned to his unicorn.

"Good." He got on his unicorn and trotted away. Garry turned and walked in the school doors. "Guys! Did you hear that!? They want to KILL us!" Zoey yelled. She started shaking. "We need a plan." Veg said. Lolz looked at me. "Clare teach me some spells during dinner." I nodded. "Veg, Mycow, and Zoey, brew some defense potions." They nodded. Jeremy pulled out his sword. "I will sharpen this, and enchant it.". "Ok." Lolz agreed. "We should turn off our lights and when Garry comes in we will launch into action." I say. "I will give bruce one heck of a lecture after lunch too." I added.

Jeremy's p.o.v.

We planned and gathered defenses. Garry went in my bunk first. He was sneaking in with a knife. We used pillows and blankets to make dummies. Sure enough he stabbed them, and we turned on the light. We recorded the whole thing. My roommate Frege ran to the principal with the tape, while I held Garry down with enchanted handcuffs. The plan was that if we caught him, we'd turn him in, and say the code. I knocked on Lolz and Clare's door. " Baconator!" The girls came out. The principal was already calling the World Magic Police. Garry was going to be arrested and in the WORST JAIL CELL POSSIBLE. Once everyone came out the principal asked how we knew he was gonna kill us. We told him the story before going back to our bunk rooms. Soon we were all paranoid. I mean how often is it that you find out Deastive wants to kill you. If you haven't read your history books, you won't know who Deastive is. He is pretty much a serial killer who only kills wizards, witches, and knights. Bruce is Deastive's son? The thought always passed my mind. When we were in kindergarten he said wizards were evil, could that mean... - no it can't he was a small boy. He probably was watching TV, and it had an evil wizard. Or... Something like that. Anyhoo, I snuck into Zoey's bunk to hang out. Since it was right across the hallway, it was pretty easy. She was still shaky from the whole thing. I hugged her and tried to help. I guess it worked because she fell asleep peacefully in my arms. I set her down on her bunk bed, and snuck back out.

Clare's p.o.v.

In the morning there was an assembly. When we all sat down on the red cushiony chairs. Mr. Kinnely stepped forward. There were two giants holding large Boxes on either side of him. To the giants the boxes must've felt like building blocks. I couldn't help but wonder what was in the boxes. "Hello everyone!!" Mr. Kinnely said in a very excited voice. "As you know, we took your cell phones. But, that's because of what is in those boxes." He pointed to the giants. The giants put one box at each row of chairs, in which trolls started to open. Inside were....


"I know those look like your phones but, they're not. They are based on an iPhone, but we limited your call options. Instead of numbers you register the name of your friends from school. There is a manual on how to do this. Depending on what your talent is, depends on if you have a digital spellbook, potion book, or enchantment guide. You all have a map of the school. You may need to say which part you're looking for and it will give you directions. The best part is... Well, I will let you figure it out." Mr. Kinney stated. The trolls gave us each one of these. On the back it said holophone. We turned it on and looked at the manual. Say the person's name and their talent. Then look for their picture and tap it. The manual instructed "Lolz. Wizard." I said. I saw Lolz's picture on the side. I tapped it. Lolz's holophone started to ring. "Clare. Would you like to register Clare?" The holophone said. Lolz looked at me, like the rest of the school was. "Uh... Yeah. Sure." She said nervously. " registered." It stated. Then my holophone had a holograph of Lolz and Lolz's did the same thing with me. There was no background, just Lolz's head, neck, and shoulders. The rest of the school started to try theirs out. "Everyone is dismissed." Mr. Kinnely boomed. Most went to their bunk, some stayed, but the rest of us left into the woods. After registering all of my friends, I checked the map. "Guys!! We can label the map!" I yelled. We labeled the spot in the woods we were at as ours and explored our holophones. The principal had a holophone too, he was registered in all of our holophones. "Everyone outside please come in. It is getting dark, and dinner is ready." His hologram said. We went inside and sat down for dinner. It was vebbie bites and wobbles. It's actually really good. For desert there was wiggle cookies and cake. Wiggle cookies are cookies that wiggle. They are amazing!! After dinner, we went to the game room. A large room with games and snacks. We stayed all night.

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