» chapter 7 «

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f i n n ☁︎

Being on one's own wasn't the worst thing in the world. Being on one's own was like being left home alone, one knew it was going to end at some point. They just get to enjoy some peace and quiet. However, being alone was different. Being alone was where one could stand in a room with thousands of people screaming your name, and still having nobody to turn to.

We were back to filming today. I shivered, making my way down the row of trailers. Natalia came out of her trailer, pulling her coat around her. "Hey, Finn," she brightly said.

"Hi Nat," I replied. "It's cold."

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Wow, I didn't notice," she sarcastically laughed. "Walk with me. Don't we have a scene together?" I nodded. "You okay, Finn?" she asked, loosely wrapping her arm around me.

"My throat is scratchy," I lied. Natalia nodded understandingly, but she really didn't understand. I wasn't physically sick. I was sick, just in a different way.

"Mm, I know the feeling. Last year, I almost lost my voice during filming. Honey and tea," she said.

"Honey and tea?" I questioned.

"Helps to soothe the voice. I learned that from Charlie."

"Charlie?" I suggestively asked.

"Shut up," Natalia embarrassedly murmured, looking down at the ground. "It's not like that. It really isn't. We're just really good friends off set," she weakly finished. Her cheeks flushed a bright red, contrasting her pale skin.

"Mhm," I answered skeptically. She was both telling the truth and lying. Charlie and Natalia were really good friends. The line between friend and more was blurring, though. I saw them. I saw how they looked at each other, and how their eyes just seemed to light up when they saw each other. It was amusing to see them deny their chemistry. Actually, everyone on set had chemistry with each other. There was never a boring day. We all bonded well.

"And it seems our paths will separate here," Natalia announced. I reluctantly unwound myself from her and waved.

"You were warm," I pouted.

"Get a jacket, Wolfhard," she laughed.

"I'll see you later," I called. Natalia turned to the camera crew, shrugging off her coat and waiting for her cue. When they started the camera, she would run into her room. Jonathan would tap on her window and have a key conversation with her about Billy, Max's brother. I looked at Natalia who was whispering her lines and tilting her head as if hearing Charlie's replies.

"Finn!" A familiar voice cried.

"Gaten!" I smiled. He barreled into me, giving me a huge hug and pulling me away from their filming.

"Dude, what happened? One day you're like normal, and now, why are you being a dick to everyone?" Gaten asked, punching me in the shoulder.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "I was?" I asked as his words sank in.

"Yeah, you've been ignoring everyone, especially us- your friends, Caleb, Noah, Millie, and me," Gaten nearly shouted. People start to look at us, and I hung my head in shame.

I sighed, feeling like a brick had been thrown at me. "Oh my god, I was?"

Gaten inhaled, looking very done with me. "Yes," he answered.

"I didn't even know," I whispered, fingering my shirt.

"Now you do. Don't be that guy."

"I won't, trust me," I replied. Gaten bit his lip, shrugging. "I'm sorry." The magical words I've been meaning to say for the past few days came out.

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