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feedback which will tell me if the chapters i have planned will be okay:

1.) what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

2.) what would happen if, theoretically, finn dies?

3.) what other drama would you like to see or expect?

4.) what if i said that millie wasn't reason #11? what if millie doesn't give a reason #11? how would you all feel about that?

5.) feel free to predict some of the future reasons; yes there's only two left but maybe you can get a sneak peeeeek if you guess right;)

6.) who wants a sad ending? be specific if possible like do you want finn to die? or the reasons to not work out?

7.) who wants a happy ending? be specific if possible like do you want finn and millie to get together? or have them go out on a date?

8.) who wants both a happy and sad ending? where i will write both #6 and #7

9.) what if millie and finn fight in the next chapter? oOOoOoOO what if they breaK up???

10.) finally, any other comments? concerns? questions? rants?

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