Chapter 5

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Four p.o.v.
Tris is begging me not to turn them into Eric. Of course I'm not going to.
Although, it may be kind of hard with the wanted posters everywhere. "Well," I start, "I'm obviously not going to give us away to Eric, but we have to lay like super low right now, especially with all the wanted posters out." "What?!?!?!?," all three of the Pedrads scream at the same time. "Uh, yeah," I say while scratching the back of my neck and showing them one. "Well, that royally screws things up even more now," Uriah says. "Yeah, I know, but we have to give the others an explanation." Tris brings up. Gosh darn it, she brings up a good point. "Good point, we have to tell them something," Zeke says. "So what are we supposed to tell them?" I ask, knowing that they have no clue. At this point, Tris decides to take action, "Okay, so here's what we do. Us four get disguises -dont worry, I know a guy- and we tell the others they have to pretend like they don't know what happened to us. We go to school and pretty much everywhere in our disguises as new students. Our names will be Tiphanie Liana, Adam Chavez which is Four, James Hansen which is Uriah, and Christopher Hansen which is Zeke." Then Uriah being the idiot he is asks, "Wait, so who is Tiphanie Liana?" At this point, Tris starts firing out German insults at him before explaining to him that it's her, "Saukerl, dompkopf! I'm Tiphanie you arschloch." "How was I supposed to know that?" he stupidly asks. I intervene as this point, because I'm done with his stupidity, "Okay, so now we go and tell the others and no matter what, we stick together. Family sticks together." "Family," we all agree before leaving the room to go tell the gang the plan.

Hey, Ryker here!!!
the co-author of shelly_tude on this story!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chappie!!! I'm so excited to b writing with Shelly and can't wait to see what you guys think!


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