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I rounded the third barrel in my arena, and Tractor plowed right over the top. Damn this colt. I pulled him up and hopped off, fixing the barrel. 

"Why did you stop? you cant-" 

"I know Jed, I cant do that in the rodeo. But it would have decked my time. It wouldnt have mattered." I hopped back on and started trotting to cool Tractor down before we ran again. 

"Alright, fine. You need to pull outward more, he is stiff in his back end. We need to work on that. Have you taught him to spin yet?" He asked me.

"No. One discipline at a time." I quoted him. 

"Well, ya need to. It will help him give in the hip, I can do the rest, but he likes you more than me." He shot back.

"Well ok then! I dont blame him anyways." I said under my breathe.

Tractor is a big bay quater horse, his legs are dark as night, but his body is like blood. He has a nice tail, but his mane isnt really full yet. I enjoy riding him, but he is a handful. He reminds me of our mules because he is so hard to discipline. Thats why I cant train him by myself. Jed has to help me. 

Jed is my youngest older brother...Does that make sense? Anyways, he is a senior at Johnville High, its where I go to. He is 6'3", and he owns it. He has Light blonde, curly, hair, light blue eyes, and he wasnt super tan, but paler than me. We are complete oppisites. Johnson, my oldest brother, is in college. He goes to the University of Tennessee. He looks just like Jed, except he is short than him.

I am Levi, Im sixteen, and rowdy. If ya put me in the rodeo, know that I will have a good time. I am 5'8" and dark complected. I have waist length brown hair, and dark hazel eyes.   I have dimples and Im not bragging or anything, but years of riding has given me a nice butt. 

We walked over to the ally and I geared him up for the run. 

"Go!" Jed shouted.

I spured him up, and we flew around the right barrel, a little wide, but it was ok, he slowed quite a bit on the second, but recovered on the way to third. I pulled him out a bit more than normal, and he only tipped the barrel, but I was able to set it  back up. I kicked like hell on the stretch, I turned him to the right, and let him cool down while Jed went to check the time. 

"18.7" He hollared down at me. 

"Heyy its better than before." I smiled down at Tractor, and patted his neck. 

"Yep. Go put him up and I will work with him later on today. What are you doing today?' He asked curiously. 

I stopped and pondered a bit on this, "I dont know actually. I may call Cali and see what she is doing. Or I may go rope with Hunter." I finally decided.

"Really? You think I am going to believe 'roping' honey, been there done that." He said knowingly. Except that doesnt happen between me and Hunter. He isnt that way, if he liked me, then he would come straight out and tell me. 

"Seriously? I am going to start team roping with him! So we need practice." I stated bluntly while Tractor was tugging on  reins, getting impatient. 

As I started he walking away I heard Jed mummble a small yeah sure. 

As I unsaddled Tractor I started thinking about me and Hunter. I guess I see why people could think we are an iteam, but then again Cali is with us most of the time. I wonder if she thinks we like each other, or if she feels like a third wheel? I am one of the guys though, I know who and what they find hot, they tell me. I mean sure they flirt with me and stuff, but I amnot girlfriend material. Gah, this is why I stick to horses.


Hey, I am sorry I havent updated this. Its because I didnt have anywhere to go with it. But now I do!!! I cut it off, but I hope yall like it! 

Much love and happy trails.


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