Author's Note!

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I am going to take this chapter to tell you about some of the characters you will hear about in the next chapter. 

Hunter, Chap, Andy, Dex, Tex(the twins), Factcher, and Don. I will go ahead and tell ya about Cali.

Hunter, you already know qite a bit about. But he is her bestfriend, shse ahs grown up with him. He rides bulls. 

Chap, he is a tall guy, about 6'6" very muscular. Green eyes, long curly blonde hair.  He plays football with Levi, which they will both be getting a surprise soon. He also rides bulls. He and Levi arent super close, but they are good friends.

Andy, he is not very tall, about 5'6", so he is shorter than Levi. He rides broncs, and goat ties. He is quite the 'ladies man'. He has alot of money. He only ges to rodeos, other than that, he never hangs out with the rest of the group.

Dex and Tex, they are twins, both 6 foot, brown eyes, and almost red hair. They team rope and are very good. They are the partiers of the group, always having to leave their truck somewhere, and get a ride home. 

Factcher, he is 5'11" and quite handsome. He has blue eyes and blonde straight hair. He barrel races alongside Levi. He has a girlfriend, Cali. Him and Levi are pretty close, she set him and Cali up, after all.

Don, he is actually headed to the NFR, in bareback saddle bronc riding. He doesnt rodeo with them anymore. He is also 5'11" and has cropped black hair. They all look up to him, not  only as a rodeoer, but a person.  

 Cali, she is tiny, she has red hair, and green eyes. She ran poles and did goat tying also. She is Levi's best girl friend. 

Now. I am just going to say, this story isnt going to be rushed, and what I mean when i say that, is that I am gong to not just put some people together and thenthey break up. This will be about rodeoing too, and friendship! 

Thank yall for reading! I love you all! Read, vote, fan, and comment!!! I would love a shoutout! Thank you! 

Love and appy trails


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