'Family Dinner'

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We all laughed as we teach told stories. I sat by Hunter and Ali, both Hunter's plate and mine full, but Ali didnt eat alot so hers was practically empty. Emmy, their maid, was the best cook ever, I loved eating at the Dunes' household.

"So, Levi has a boyfriend." Hunter said while dodging my punches. 

"NOOOOO I DONT!!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth. I thought back to that last rodeo. 



"Atta boyyyy!!!" I happily patted Tractor, it was his first competitive run, and he ran a 18.1. Not great, but it was good for his first time. I always cool my horses down by walking them around the grounds, as do most. 

I heard hooves trotting up behind me, and sighed. "Hey, can I ride with you?" 

"Sure Zam." His name is pronounced 'Sam'. Weird right? He was quite good looking, I can see why girls fall over him, except for the fact that he is a wanna-be. He focuses more on basketball and girls than horses. He never qualitfies in wrestling over the first couple rodeos. 

"That a new horse?" He asked sweetly. 

"It sure is, Tractor." I smiled over to him. 

"Mind if I sit with you?" I was shocked he asked me that I figured sitting with Hunter, Chap, Andy, Dex, Tex(the twins), Factcher, and Don would scare any guy off. But I guess not. Damn it. 

"I guess so." If you wanna feed yourselve to the birds. I thought to myself. He loped off and I sighed relief. 

When I got back to my trailer, all the guys were there, standing and staring at me. 

"Going for 'Faker' now, are we?"  Andy joked with me. I rolled my eyes as Chap was saying something.

"You're just jelaous cause she wont go on a date with you." He laughed and got a couple pats on the back.

"She wouldnt you either!" Andy said as I unsaddled. I just shook my head at them.

"Oh, I am sure she would go on a date with me. Wouldnt you Levi?" I turned to his smiling face and couldnt help but smile back. 

"I couldnt resist." I said shrugging my shoulders, and winking at Chap. 

"Fuck yall, Im leaving." Any said stalking away. We all eruppted in laughter as Chap came over and hugged me.

"Nice one Levi Jones!" He whispereed in my ear. When he pulled away Hunter was eyeing me. I mouthed 'shut up' to him. He chuckled a bit and shook his head.


We contiued to eat without another thing being said. After dinner I helped clean up and by then it was dark. 

On the way back out to the barn we heard a truck roll down the drive. 

"Speak of the devil." Hunter said to me. 

"Oh. You were talking about Chap?" I asked. He noded in reply as I watched Chap climb down from his jacked up Ford. 

"Yall wanna go out to the lake?" Chap asked as he hugged me. He left his arm around me for a moment longer than normal.

I smiled a mischevious grin, and said, "What kind of a question is that? Hell yeah!" I slapped his chest playfully and he grinned down at me. 

"Please tell me the boys will be there." Hunter asked beggingly.

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