I'm a disaster

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*Hayden's pov*
I woke up to my sisters soft sobs comming from a corner, I looked over to see a dark shadow comming towards me and before I could think of screaming a sharp pain in my neck hit me first. Everything was plain....dull...and dark....
"Hayden wake up!" A voice shot me from my sleep.
"W- what?" I asked then my neck started to ache. I tried to put my hand to my neck but Jeyden stopped me.
"Don't do that, it makes it worse, come on wake up," she shook me again. I opened my eyes only to hiss at the sudden brightness of the room.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU TURNED THEM INSTEAD OF KILLING THEM?!" A loud rawr of a voice came from outside of the room.
"W- we didn't mean to, something about the way the one looked at me with pleading eyes made me stop draining," a soft voice said in response.
"They just looked so innocent," a third voice said.
"Bring them out here, NOW!" A fourth and final voice barked. We heard foot steps approach where we where and we both instantly jumped back against the wall. Both of us tenced up as the door opened slowly, two boys came in.
"W- who are you?" I asked and grabbed my neck as the pain shot again.
"What did you do to us?!" My sister yelled and broke down in tears.
"Shh, it's okay, it only does that for a while, are you girls hungry," the guy with a small beard and long hair asked. As soon as he asked that my stomach let out a growl.
"I'm taking that as a yes, I'm Kevin," The other guy with longish blue hair spoke with a smile.
"I'm Alix, what do you two go as?" The guy i assume is Alix said.
"I- Im Hayden, this is Jeyden," I spoke with confidence.
"Come with us," Alix said and held out his hand to me. With shaking hands I grabbed Jeydens hand and pulled her up. We fallowed them out of the room into the livingroom where two other men stood.
"Girls, I understand the confusion, but may i offer you this?" A colored man spoke and pushed out a small boy. I could hear the blood running through his veins and my stomach along with Jeydens stomach growled loudly. I took in a deep breathe and before i knew it i was jumping after the scared boy, latching my out growing fangs into his soft neck and drank the warm flowing blood. Jeyden took a few minutes before joining me, the more blood I got the more i felt satisfied.
"You feel better," Alix snorted then a cough snapped Alix back into seriousness. After I finnished feeding my mind told me it was wrong and i felt sick.
"First time always makes you puke," the guy  next to the colored guy whispered. I felt my color flush as i ran into the bathroom and lost my liquids. Jeyden kept hers down but as long as she's stuffed and not hungry she does good.
"You okay?" Alixs deep husky voice asked.
"W- why did you do this?" I asked.
"Because you're now like us," he said with a smile.
"I dont want to be like you," i said softly.
"We didn't want to be this way either," he said in a sad tone, but pircked himself up.
"Lets go," he said grabbing my hands and pulling me up slowly. As i stood i felt better and not as hungry or sick.
"What are your names? Im Manny, this is Evan, im sure those dipshits have already introduced themselfs," the colored guy spoke.
"I'm Hayden, this is my sister Jeyden," I answered. I pushed my blue hair out of my face and continued to look at the men standing infront of me.
"I see you both have control over your fangs already," Manny said with a small smile.  I ran my tounge across my retreating fangs and shivered as they nipped my tongue.
"They'll get used to this sooner then Kev and Alix although those two are dumb," Evan said with a laugh.
"Alix, let go of her hand," Manny snapped causing us to jump.
"Kevin? W- what one of you two did this to me?" Jeyden asked.
"I did, I bit your neck," Kevin said with a wink
"BOYS!" Evan snapped. I looked around for a place to sit when i saw a small beanbag chair. I walked over and plopped down in it.
"Might as well make the most of being in this hell," I said and pulled out my phone.
"I guess they'll be easier to train then the boys where," Evan laughed.
"Kev, you've got a nice ass," Jeyden said with a snort.
"What the fuck Jey, shut up!" I snapped and let out a laugh.
"I'm just trying to have fun," She whined.
"All of you stop, the girls have a lot of things to do before they go out in public, Alix  go get Hayden something to sick her teeth in so she doesn't  pass out, Kevin, go set up their room," Manny spoke with a chilling voice that  made me think twice about being here.
"I got her something small, it's just a rabbit but I'm sure if she can eat this next time she can eat a person," Alix said holding a limp rabbit. I stood up and grabbed the small creature, whilst sticking my teeth into it and slurping the warm liquid.
"Damn, you look hot with blood running down your chin," Alix winked.
"Shut up, you wish you could have this," I said while waving my hands up and down my slim figure.
"Awh, Alix has a crush," Jeyden mocked and started laughing. Evan and Manny walked away into a nearby room, and shut the door.
"Wonder what their talking about," I said with a small grin.
"Probably how to get rid of you two," Alix said sadly.
"Ha, no their probably talking about how to train them, remember they told me to set up the room, and they said that they'll be more easy to train then us," Kevin piped in as he entered the room. I shrugged and continued to tap away on my phone, when Alix about fell off his chair and let out a loud yelp.
"What the fuck?" Kevin asked while laughing.
"We have a concert in a few weeks, an those two can be our merch girls, as long as they don't try to eat our fans," Alix rambled.
"They will be our merch girls," Manny chimed as they left the room.
"Jesus all of you fuckers are like ninjas!" Jeyden shouted.

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