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Hayden's pov

I shot awake from a nightmare in a cold sweat, my heart was pounding so hard I could feel it hitting my ribcage. I took a few deep breaths and checked the time 5:30 a.m. I groaned and rolled back over to try to get more sleep when a loud banging sound made me wake up all the way.
"Wakey wakey!" Evan called from the bottom of the stairs. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and onto my feet. I remembered last nights vision type thing and walked out andd into Alix.
"Morning sleeping beauty," he said with a sleepy smile.
"Morning," I said. We walked down the stairs and saw Jeyden and Kevin already gulping down blood bags. I grabbed myself one and gulped it down.
"Wake up, go get changed for training," Manny said and we all made our ways back into our rooms. I put the same outfit i had one yesterday for training and made my way out of my room. I came out at the same time that Alix did and we made our way down to the kitchen to wait on Kev and Jeyden.
"Hey Manny, last night I had a vision type thing, my vision went from mine to someone elses and they where in my room watching me, but when i snapped back to my vision and rolled over he was gone," I explained in the most confusing way ever.
"Someone in your room?" Manny asked.
"Yeah, they where watching me," I answered.
"Wait, your telling me you had a vision?" He repeated.
"Yes," I stated. He looked at me as if i was crazy then something flashed acrossed his eyes.
"Go, go on your run," he said with hesitation as Kev and Jeyden came in. We all left for the run.

Manny's POV (probably the only one pov switch in here)

When everyone left I looked over at Evan and he had the same look on his face as me.
"So she had a vision where she saw from someone else's eyes... her eyes turn a light shade of red and not dark.....she seems to have more idea about whats all going on then anyone else. Do you think she's the prophesy?" Evan spoke.
"I'm not sure, it says the prophesy is to be wizer then any other of our kind, have powers that can enslave the human race, is stronger then any other, and be the most clever,and can heal any wound weather it be theirs or others, she doesn't seem to be the one, sure she said she had a vision but it could've been a dream," I explained.
"We'll keep close watch on her," Evan said and continued to scrole through his twitter.
"We will," I sighed and kept that little thought of Hayden being the prophesy. She's far too weak, sarcastic and can't even hurt a fly to be the prophesy, but we can always wait to find out.

Hayden's POV

"Take that losers!" I chanted as I did my victory dance.
"Fuck you, you cheated!" Kevin protested.
"Yeah! I demand a rematch!" Alix called.
"Me too!" Jeyden agreed.
"Okay," I said in a sing-song voice.  We got to the begining of the twisty-turny-flippy obstacle course and took our stances.
"Ready! Set! Go!" Alix called and we all sprinted through the large obstacle course infront of us. I took lead until i tripped and fell on the hard dirt with a 'thud' everyone burst into a giggle fit as I stood and continued. Alix took lead followed by Kevin then Jeyden then me, we decided that maybe making training a game it will be alot more fun for us and we where right. Alix and Kevin seemed to be doing most of our training instead of Manny and Evan but I'm sure they'll come and teach us a few things.
After a few more hours of running through that damn obstacle course I froze in dead tracks when my vision did the same thing as last night.
It snapped to someone else's eye view. They where watching us train, and observing. Soon enough I could hear it's thoughts.

I will stop at nothing to kill those girls. Once they're gone I can kill the other two, they'll be more vulnerable when the girls are dead.

I gasped and pulled out of their thoughts and looked over in the wooded area and saw no one. My heart pace picked up and I could feel my blood start to boil. I said nothing and ran inside to tell Evan and Manny that I had the vision again. Once I got in the kitchen Evan looked up and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I had another one of those visions, this time I heard their thoughts, they said something about killing us," I spoke so fast it sounded like word vomit.
"Slow down, you had another vision? Okay, can you do something for me? Can you try to get into my thoughts?" Manny asked and I raised a brow.
" I dont know how," I said shyly.
"Push with your mind," Manny said,"clear your thoughts and push into my thoughts."
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes focusing on getting into Manny's thoughts. Soon I could hear what he was thinking.

Can you hear my thoughts? If so try to communicate...

I tried to talk to him him but he couldn't hear me. I shook my head and and slammed my hand on the table.
"What is this?! Can anyone else do this?!" I shouted getting frustrated and confused.
"No, you're the only one who can do that," Evan said.
"Then what the fuck is it?!" I demanded and raised my voice.
"We don't know yet," Manny answered.
"Then how come you're trying to get me to do this weird mind thing when you don't even know what the fuck it is!" I spat.
"Because you can help us find Alister!" Manny yelled back.
"You know, I dont even know why I stuck with you guys in the first place, I should have just taken Jeyden back home when we got in this mess, now we can never leave," I said lowering my voice.
"Get outside and don't come back in until you cant feel your arms and legs," Manny commanded. I did as told and ran back outside.
Fuck this place.

Okie so that wasn't the best chapter in the world but i really hope you enjoy it. I haven't edited it i was just trying to give a chapter before i work on some of my other stories and stuff like that! So uh yeah💓

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