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I slowly opened my eyes and saw Alix, Jeyden and Manny hoovering over me.
"W-what the hell?" I asked slowly and sat up. I propped myself up on the wall and looked at the others fir explanation.
"I'll get her some O-Positive," Alix said and ran down the stairs.
"You okay? You just collapsed, you scared the shit out of me," Jeyden said with a small sigh.
"Fine, what the hell happened?" I asked and looked at Manny. He looked deep in thought, not sure how to explain to me what happened.
"Well, I'm not even sure about that," he said truthfully and Alix came running up the stairs. He handed me a cup and I took small sips of it. I set the cup down and rested my head on the wall falling into deep thoughts, my mind snapped into another timeline and made me freeze.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Jeyden screamed for me.
"I'm with Alister now! Leave before he kills you as well as me!" I shouted back in sudden panic yanking on my arm trying to losen the tight grip Alister had on me.
"Hayden no!" Manny yelled as the ground shook suddenly cracking as if satan himself was breaking the ground.
"I'm sorry," I whispered to no one in particular as if no one could hear me. Alix and Kevin fell into the deep crack in the earth as Manny and Evan tried to get out of there with Jeyden before its too late.
"Goodbye Jeyden," I wishpered as Alister pulled me into a car a sped off down the long darkened path.

I snapped back into reality, wide eyes and tears rolling down my face quietly.
"No!" I shouted and burried my face in Alix's chest. Sobbing violently, Jeyden rubbed my back as Alix held onto me closely.
"Alix take care of her while I talk with Jeyden, Kevin and Evan," Manny said as they walked off. Alix nodded his head and tightened his grip on me.

Manny's POV.

"Guys, Hayden's not faking. She's in serious trouble if Alister gets his hands on her, Hayden is so much more then a regular vampire, she holds the prophesy deep inside her and it could possibly harm all of us if we aren't careful. Jeyden I know that you think she's joking around about this but please believe me when I say this. Alister is much stronger then us put together, he's the master of all harmful or bad vampires, we can't just ignore this like its nothing anymore. If he gets his hands on your sister then he will kill her and try to steal the prophesy from her. She is not to go out without one of us four guys, you can't either, he'll get you to get to her. You girls aren't safe and I'm sorry this is all too new for you. He wont rest until he gets her. We need to watch over her as carefully as we can. This is going to be the worst pain he'll feed her," I explained. Jeyden's eyes went from blue to red, then silent tears rolled down her face. Kevin and Evan looked like stones.
"So she wasn't faking? I feel like the worst fucking sister ever," Jeyden sighed and got up whilst making her way up the stairs.
"So, the girls are in trouble, and we can only hope that sick bastard Alister doesnt get ahold of them?" Kevin asked with anger plastered over his face.
"Kevin let me explain something, she's the prophesy and we're all fucked because of it not just her and Jeyden," Evan spat out angrily.
"Evan What's your problem?" I asked cooly.
"Hayden and Jeyden are my problem. Everything was going fine until the two dipshits stuck their fangs into something they couldn't kill off," He said easily without so much as emotion in his voice.
"Fuck you Evan," Kevin said climbing back upstairs.
I shook my head and rubbed the bridge of my nose and walked upstairs as well.

Hayden's POV

I looked at the backs of my hands as Manny explained everything to me holding onto every word he says.
"So, the thing I saw just before you walked downstairs was me seeing the future?" I asked with pure confusion.
"Most likely yes, everything you see, or hear, or anything like that, tell me," Manny said. I nodded slowly, starting to piece things together for myself.

I walked into my room and layed in bed thinking of what Manny had told me. I'm the prophesy, I can see things other vampires can't see. I can do things other vampires cant do.
I sighed and rested my head into my pillow. I shut my eyes and slowly fell into a light dreamless sleep.

I'll get you some day gorgeous, and when I do, I'll find a way to take the prophesy and you and your sister will suffer, a long, long time my dear..

I woke up choking on sobs and in a cold sweat. I started hyperventilating, I held my head in my hands as I cried. My head shot up to the sound of Jeyden screaming. I shot out if bed and down the stairs to see Jeyden laying on the floor with Kevin holding her tightly.
"Sis, whats going on?" I asked softly.
"H-he was here, standing outside, with a chain wrapes in his hand, it was Alister," she said in between soft sobs.
"That son of a bitch!" I barked and got up. I walked out the back door and into the woods behind the house.
"Come get me! Leave her the fuck alone and come get me you prick! Come on!" I yelled and stood in silence. I looked around and saw a dark shadow approaching me.
"You really want to do that? We can do this the hard way, or the easy way. You can either run back in the house and hide and i hurt your sister, or you can come with me and we can be on our marry little wa-" he was cut off.
"Alister! You get the fuck away fom her!" Evan's deep growl of a voice yelled as he came closer to us.
"I guess it's the hard way, I'll see you at Jeyden's funeral," Alister said with a large grin and took off.
"No! Wait!" I called back to him and turned around to come face to face with an angry looking Evan.
"What the fuck where you thinking?! Are you trying to get yourself fucking killed stupid?!" He shouted at me.
"What did you just do?! I could have just gone with him, now he's going to kill my sister!" I shouted and shoved him back. I ran into the house nd saw Jeyden passed out in Kevin's arms while he held onto her.
"Is she okay?!" I half asked half shouted.
"No, she's pail and breaking into cold sweat, her breathing is hollow," Kevin said with a small tear rolling down his cheek.
"Manny!" I yelled and collapsed next to my sister and Kevin.  He ran into the room and saw Jeyden's still figure laying in Kevin's arms. His fetures softened as he picked Jeyden up and walked into her room, Kevin and I followed as he set her in her bed and covered her up.
"Hayden and kevin stay in here for the night," Manny spoke sadly. Anger raged inside me and my blood boiled hot, I walked over to where Evan was and picked him up by his shirt whilst slamming him into a wall.
"This is your fault! If you would have stayed in the house when I left this wouldnt be happening! Stay the fuck away from me and my sister!" I yelled and threw him to the ground. I stomped back into Jeyden room and crawled next to her.

Its around midnight and I haven't slept a minute, Kevin passed out about an hour ago and I was left to my own thoughts. Jeyden's breathing was slow and soft as she slept, her normal pale color was now white, her usual smile replaced with a permanent frown. I grabbed her hand and pulled it to my chest, holding it softly.
"Remember when we where little and we used to make mom and dad cookies for when they came home, and this one time we burnt them so bad the house smelt for a week? Yeah mom and dad where pretty mad about that," I whispered and giggled to myself.
"And that one time we snuck out and when we snuck back in I was so drunk I fell over a lamp? Mom and dad grounded us for a month," I whispered and a stray tear rolled down my face.
"I miss them," I sniffled.
The door opened slowly and Alix appeared in the room, he shook Kevin lightly to wake him.
"Go get some sleep, I'll stay here with them," He said. Kevin nodded and got up and left the room. I sat up and Alix handed me some coffee, I took a few sips of it and set it by the bed. I looked at my sister and sighed.
"You okay?" He asked and crawled on top of the covers to sit next to me.
"Not really," I answered. He pulled me into his shoulder and i snuggled into his chest, taking in his deep cologne.
"She'll be okay," he whispered ans kissed the top of my head.
"I hope so," I responded in a slight whisper letting sleep take over me. Alix layed me down, covered me up and got off the bed. Sleep. Good. No. Great. Sleep.


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