Game Freak

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Hayden's POV

I jumped awake to the sound of Jeyden's light whimpers and chattering teeth. I covered her up and ran my hand through her hair and got out of bed. I went to the kitchen and rubbed a hand down my face.
I made a pot of coffee and while it was brewing I went upstairs to get a clean outfit for the long day ahead of me.

Jedyens POV (I'm stuck in a dream)

Where I am? Why's it so cold? Where's Hayden? I can hear her but I can't find her. Why can't I pull things together. Wait.... I haven't worn my glasses in a while... Why can't I get out of here?! I want to scream but no sound comes out, my body is in pain and tired and I can't seem to yell out and tell them I'm okay. Please help me get out of here. Hayden please.

Hayden's POV.

'The profit can heal anyone.' I thought.
I ran down stairs forgetting my coffee and ran straight into Jeyden's room. I reached into Alix's pocket and pulled out his pocket knife and cut my finger open and let the one drop of blood drip into Jeyden's mouth. Nothing. I cut my finger once more and let the drop of blood drip into her mouth. When I was about to cut my finger again when Jeyden inhailed a large breath and sat up.
"Jeyden!" I yelled and grabbed her into a tight embrace.
"What happened?" She asked with a slight groan and grabbed her head.

Alister," Is all I said. She nodded slowly and looked over at Alix who was lazily hanging off the chair fast asleep. She got up and I followed her out to the kitchen where she poored two cups of coffee and warmed up 2 blood bags.
"So Alister did this?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yeah, I was going to go with him but Evan came out, and then that happened, it's gonna take alot more to take him down," I said with a sigh.
"Dont risk it for me, do what you gotta do," She answered in a small voice.
"You're my sister, you'd do the same for me," I said with a shrug. She nodded in agreement as Manny trudged in.
"Morning girls....wait! Jeyden you're awake!" Manny exclaimed with glee. She giggled and leaned against the counter.
"Morning losers," Evan greeted and pushed passed me for coffee.
"Morning," Jeyden replied with a smile.
"Aye, look who's awake!" He smiled and gave her a side hug. I'm still mad at him for putting my sisters life in danger but I can't stay mad at him forever.
"Hey where'd Jeyden go?" Alix asked confused as he walked into the kitchen. "Nevermind morning girls."
Kevin came out of his room and rubbed his face, he had dark circles under his eyes and he looked miserable.
"Jeyden! You're awake!" Kev said running to her and giving her a long hug. I smiled and stalked upstairs so I can finnish getting ready for the day.
This day better be good, if I have to deal with Alister by myself I will. In all honesty I'd rather just go with him and get it all over with. Wait. Go with him. The profit can charm anyone. I threw on my clothes and ran down stairs and into the kitchen.
"Guys! I have an idea! What if i charmed Alister, it says the profit can charm anyone and if i can get him to fall in love with me i can easily kill him off, i mean its alot to risk but we're going to have to form a huge plan to get through all this, and where as he wants me, i can just go with him willingly, kill him off and whatever army he has," I said so fast it sounded like word vomit.
"Hang on short stack," Manny said holding his hand up. "You want me, to let you go with the worlds most dangerous vampire, willingly might I add, so you can attempt to kill the beast we thought we killed a few years back?"
"Yes," I simply answered.
"I'm in," Evan, Kevin and Alix said in unison.
"Fuck, I guess I'm in too," Manny said with a sigh.
"We need to form a plan," Alix said with a mysterious grin.
"You worry me," Jeyden huffed. Alix rolled his eyes and we grabbed a note book.

Five hours and about twenty pages later we came up with a plan that has to work. If it doesn't we're all risking our lives. And that doesn't sound like my ideal way of dying.
The plan is, I walk uo to him willing to go with him, but when we get into the car I have to come onto him, strong, if that doesn't work I have to use my mind control to make him fall in love with me. As soon as that happens I put sleeping meds in his drink, I let the guys in, we find the spawns of satan kill them and the plan will be over. Plan B, well lets just say, get the hell out of there.
Its not the best plan in the world, sounds childish, but when you're working with actual three year olds you kinda wanna rip your fucking hair out.

We all sat in a decent comfort for a while until a large crash outside brought us all to our feet.
"What the hell?" I muttered under our breath.
"It's comming from the roof," Alix chimed in and we all looked up. There was another large crash, and another, and another.
"Manny, whats going on?" Jeyden asked in hardly a squeak.
"I'm not sure," Manny answered. The crash came louder and louder each and every time it hit. A loud breaking sound came from upstairs and we all scattered into the kitchen and grabbed diffrent kitchen utensils. We Where all huddled together with Jeyden and I behind the four guys, Jeyden had slipped her hand in Kevin's as we all stood waiting for the next thing to happen.
"Hello my boys," Alisters deep, cruel voice cooed as he showed up around the corner.
"Alister you get the fuck away from my girls!" Evan yelled. My girls? Evan does care....
"Awh, your girls? How cute, step away from them if you know whats best for you," Alister said. I took my opportunity to step out from the human shields.
"Fine, I'll go with you," I said giving a small grin as I looked him up and down. Not bad.
"Come on my dear, we have work to do," he said holding his hand out for me to grab.
"Yes Master," I threw in the nickname and gave him a small wink. He gave me a smile and we walked out the door.
"Hayden No!" Jeyden screamed.
As we left a barrier of diffrent vampires made a box perfectly around Alister and I as we got into the most beautiful car I've ever seen. Now Hayden, theres a plan. Don't fuck it all up, he'll kill you and your sister. Don't fuck it up.

(((Ubeliveably unedited im sorry)))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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