Hey Guys!!

21 1 9


And just to let you know, I'm not dead. And I don't plan on dying anytime soon. I AM IMMORTAL!!


Sorry. I'm super tired, so I'll be saying a lot of random things.

So! Update Time! 

The novel I'm working on is going pretty well, I think. I'm not giving out any info about it, so you'll have to just wait and see. :P

Kidding! I know I'd be SUPER impatient waiting a month for a novel. So I'll give you guys a choice: Would you rather wait until the ENTIRE novel is out, or have me update it on wattpad chapter by chapter? (Honestly, I'd go with chapter by chapter cause I don't think I'm going to finish my the end of November. XD) So you guys can debate on that.

Next: (Not necessarily important) My birthday came! Yay! Now I'm officially a teen!

Except people way your thirteenth birthday is like, a big milestone in your life, but I still feel like a twelve year-old. Oh well.

Another birthday came, and it was someone in my family who was really close to me. (Not saying who they are cause they didn't want to be mentioned at all).

Here's another birthday coming up: One of my best fwends! She does have a wattpad account, but I don't know if she wants that information to forever be in the deep dark depths of wattpad. But if she reads this, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!! :))))))

So I guess I'm feeling kinda...separated? Is that the right word? I guess so. So I'm feeling kind of seperated from you guys because I haven't been on wattpad in like, 85 million years. So let me know what's been going on with you guys so I feel like that '40 followers' info at the very top of my profile isn't just a number. Of course it will never be, but I just really wanna reconnect with you guys.


Anyways, that's all the updates in ma life that will somewhat affect my progress with the fanfictions I'm still writing. Although, I wanted to say this: I WILL finish Lovers Reunited no matter how long it takes. That includes the big book of oneshots as well. 

Tag Time!

So I was tagged by rae827 to answer a couple fun and random questions, so that is what I'm going to do!

Question 1: What's the one thing in your closet that you can't live without?

Ummm...clothes, I guess? I mean, they're in my closet, and I don't think I'll be able to walk out of the house without any clothes on, soo....


Question 2: What's the one food that you cannot live without?


You're making me CHOOSE??

Well...I'd say waffles. I got a new waffle maker, and the only thing I've been eating lately are waffles. AND THEY'RE SO BIG AND FLUFFY THEY'RE DELICIOUS. But if it's not waffles, then it's definitely spaghetti tacos. :3

Question 3: Cake, or ice cream?

Cake! Definitely cake! 

Question 4: Favorite quote or phrase you like to live by?

I don't really look at quotes all that much, but I do go scrolling on google every once in a while, and I find some really good quotes that I like. Like this one: 

Question 5: Guilty Pleasure?

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Question 5: Guilty Pleasure?


Not too sure on how to answer that. I don't think I have one, but when I do, I'll tell you guys what it is.


Question 6: What's your perfect date with your celebrity crush? 

I actually don't have any celebrity crushes, but I do have MAJOR youtube celebrity crushes. Like Dan and Phil. I'm Phan trash. That includes Max, (MithzanMax, but it's not really a crush) Vixella, (I LOVE her) Aphmoo, (obviously) rclbeauty, YourPalRoss, and Shubble.

My perfect 'date' with any of them would be at a restaurant where we could eat all the food that we want, then afterwards, we would play video games and they would let me be in one of their videos and I would be their best friend. *Sigh* A girl can dream. A girl. Can. Dream.

Question 7: What is one thing on your bucket list?

To meet Dan and Phil in Japan and watch a whole lot of anime with them. Originally, that was three different things on my bucket list, but I combined them all into one. Heh heh! X3

Question 8: What's your favorite TV show?

I don't really watch tv cuz my life is always either on youtube or netflix, but if I had to say one, that would be The Walking Dead. But honestly, I would much rather watch anime than regular tv shows that normal people watch, and that would be very indecisive cause I can never choose a favorite anime.

Question 9: What's one of your greatest achievements?

Hmm...probably the one time when I watched an entire two-part anime  in about a day or so. Those are some personal achievements for me.(It wasn't an anime with two seasons, it was the same anime but it was a continuation of the other in another show).

Question 10: Friends or family?

This was rae827's answer, but I totally agreed with this so imma steal it from her. :P

My friends are like family to me, so I'd say family. 

Question 11: Wealth or education?

Definitely education. I'd rather be smart and completely broke than wealthy and dumb. 

Question 12: Last song you listened to?

Arrival of The Birds. It's an instrumental song, and I only listen to instrumental songs if I'm trying to relax or write or sleep. And I just took a nap, soo....

Question 13: Reason why you joined Wattpad? 

I joined because my friends (@rae827, LizzyCat72, and Empress_Aphmeow) were writing fanfics while I wasn't, and rae told me about their fanfictions. Obviously they were about MC Diaries and MyStreet, and I was totally convinced about starting to writing my own fanfics. But of course, they started before I did, so I was extremely self-conscious and not very confident because they had a lot more people reading their books, so I thought I wouldn't get very far in my writing. Then I realized that no matter what, my friends had my back and would support me. So, I started writing these fanfics.

Plus I also wrote fairy tails ((¬‿¬) ) when I was really little, so I've always liked writing. That doesn't include any fanfics, but includes fantasy and real world books. (Like the novel I'm currently writing.)

So that's all I wanted to tell you guys. Now instead of writing super long updates in my chapters, they'll be separate. And I'll tell you now, that really annoyed me so now I won't be as annoyed. Yay!

So I'll be going now. Hopefully I'll be able to talk with you guys a lot more in the future. 

But other than that, 

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye bye my precious little polar bears!


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