Reaper time

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The timeline in this fanfic would be messed up. Some things will happen earlier, some things will happen later
3rd pov
"Here, you will be using these weapons to assassinate your teacher. Otherwise known as Korosensei", Karasuma-sensed said as Akame took the knife and gun. "I am you PE teacher, you may call me karasuma-sensei. I will be teaching you assassination". Akame just bowed. "I observed you fight with one of the students earlier, and I have to say, you are quite skilled", he said. Akame just nodded. "You don't really like to speak, do you?", Karasuma asked. She just shook her head. "You may now join your classmates, it should be English by now". Akame took off, leaving the teacher to wonder about the peculiar girl.

Akame entered the classroom, everyone's eyes now on her. "Ah, Akame-san, right? Why don't you sit in the back with the brat, I mean boy with the red hair", Bitch-sensei said. The latter went to the back as told and sat by the red head. "I'm karma akabane, but you can just call me karma. Nice to meet you", Karma said to the ravenette. "Hey, Akabane, stop talking", Bitch-senses said. "Now, repeat after me Oh, really", she said. The class repeated the phrase in bad English. "Akame-san, please try it", Bitch-sensei said. "Oh, really", Akame said in perfect English. Everyone was shocked and Bitch-senses was the first to recover. "Good, now let's continue". " Ne~ you're actually pretty good", Karma complimented. "Akame", she said. "Huh?". "Just call me Akame".

Time skip

It has been 2 weeks since Akame joined the class and even though she doesn't talk a lot, she got along with everyone. But she never tried an assassination attempt on Korosensei, which confused them all. Akame and Karma also got fairly close as time goes on due to them living together. Today, Bitch sensei was angry that everyone forgot her birthday. The class plans to buy he some flowers and give them to Karasuma-sensei to give her. But sadly, their scheme was soon caught by Bitch-sensei. After disappearing for 3 days, the flower angel, aka the reaper held her hostage and told the class to come alone.

"We have to be careful everyone, this is a professional we're dealing with", Isogai said.
Everyone was in their assassination clothes except for Akame, who prefer to wear the same clothes to wore when she arrived at E class. The whole class crept into an empty room. Akame knew it was a trap but followed nonetheless. The door then closed behind them and the saw their English teacher tied up and beaten pretty badly. The class managed to escape but was soon lost in the tunnels. They split up into 3 teams. Akame was supposed to be in team A but she snuck away when nobody was looking. The whole class was soon taken down after they learned about Bitch-sensei's betrayal. Korosensei and karasuma soon dropped in along with them. "Have anyone seen Akame?", Karma asked worriedly. Nobody said a word and looked around frantically for their missing classmate. "Ara, ara, what may be you guys are looking for?", Reaper asked in a mocking tone. "What did you do to her?", Karma asked angrily. "Who?", the reaper asked. "Akame, what did you do to her?", he answered. "I have no idea what you are talking about. I kept all the students here". A blade was suddenly pointed at the reaper. He was suddenly surprised since nobody had ever managed to sneak up on him without being noticed. "So... Reaper is it?", a familiar voice asked. "Akame!", everyone yelled in relief that their friend is okay but scared since she's facing the reaper alone. "So you're Akame huh? How about this, you lower your blade and I won't set the bond off of their collars", the reaper said. Her facial expression didn't change.
"Now, what would it be?"

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