You Are The Music In Me

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3rd POV

After Harry and Louis' little incident on the golf course, everything went back the way it should be, people went on working, go home to rest then start the day over again. Harry and Louis are now walking in hand in hand into the kitchen to check in. "Good morning, everybody." Harry said to his fellow classmates and also work mates.

"Good morning." They all greeted him back.

"Good morning. Oh Louis come over here! I want you to try something!" One worker dragged Louis over and he laughed during the process.

"It smells really good." His friend offered him a spoon full of his creation. "That's really good. Can you save me a container or send me the recipe?" He smiled.

"Hey, Danielle." Harry hugged her from behind and scaring her.

"Hey. You and Louis should check in with Demi, she's been in the music room for awhile and this new piece she's been working on sounds amazing." Harry nodded and went over to Louis. They went and checked in so they won't get yelled at by Mr. Cowell. They then headed to the music room that is next to the kitchen hearing Demi singing a couple cords.


You are the music in me

"Sounding good, Demi." Said Harry.

"Thanks. Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon. Won't exactly be rocking out. You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show. I mean, the employees get to do a number, and I have ideas for everyone. You guys can sing the lead, and maybe Nick and Zayn can do backup, and everyone can dance." Demi started to express what she sees if Harry and Louis did the show.

"Woah! Big timeout on that one. My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical. I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work. That's... That's really it." Harry said putting his hands up in defense.

Louis rolled his eyes. "What was that you were playing a minute ago?" He turned back to Demi.

"Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing." Demi started to grab the music but Louis beat her to it.

"What's this?" He picked up the sheet music.

"Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show, that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys." Demi motioned to Harry and Louis

"Come on. Go." Louis placed the music in front of Demi and smiled waiting for her to start.

Na na na na

Na na na na


You are the music in me

You know the words "once upon a time"

Make you listen

There's a reason

When you dream there's a chance you'll find

A little laughter or happy ever after

Your harmony to the melody

It's echoing inside my head

A single voice

Single voice

Above the noise

And like a common thread

Mmm, you're pulling me

When I hear my favorite song

I know that we belong

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