Golfing with the Swifts and Horans

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3rd POV

After all the madness from Harry and Louis' duet to Taylor's great plan, both Harry and Zayn were carrying dirty dishes while making weird noises making everyone laugh. "And how shall
we get to the food today, sir?" Harry asked in a weird accent.

"I don't know." Zayn thought about it for a moment. "Perhaps skipping." He mimicked.

"Very well then. Shall we?" Harry linked arms with Zayn and they both made a weird tune having the entire kitchen to laugh.

"Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty..." they joked but Mr. Cowell stopped them.

"Malik, Styles, you're caddying today $40 a bag. You've been requested." He said smiling at the pair.

"What?" Zayn asked excitedly.

"Woah hold up." Harry tried calming down Zayn. "By who?" He asked looking back at their boss.

"Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla." Zayn slapped Harry's arm excited.

"Close, very close." Mr. Cowell looked at them with hope in his eyes. As he walked away Nick was also passing by with a tray of cookies and Mr. Cowell grabbed one and said, "Thank you."

"Thanks." Zayn did the same thing.

"Thanks, man." ...As well as Harry.

They both got changed and headed to the golf course just to see, Taylor, Niall, and two ladies. They also both thought that this golf trip is going to be an interesting one, they say this because Taylor is in a princess tiara. "Hey, boys!" Taylor greeted but went straight over to Harry, stroking his arm. "So, Harry, I thought it was time for you to meet my and Niall's parents."

"Enchantée." Said Taylor's mom shaking the boys hands.

"Hello boys, heard a lot about you two." Niall's mom said also shaking their hands.

"Awesome." Harry greeted.

"Hi." Zayn also greeted.

"So, where's your dads?" Harry asked not seeing the helicopter landing right behind them until Taylor pointed it out. Harry and Zayn looked at the helicopter in awe not knowing how to react to something like this. Suddenly a man stepped out and waved.

"Hi, Daddy!" Taylor yelled over the jets.

"Where's the first tee and what's the course record? I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record, but who's counting?" He laughed getting out and running to his daughter picking her up and spinning her. "Princess." They laughed.

Along with Mr. Swift, Mr. Horan also appeared out of the helicopter and went to his family and hugged them. He noticed something different about Niall. "Son, you've been working out?" Niall laughed at his father.

"Yoga and physical therapy for my knee with some work outs here and there. You know me dad." Niall looked at his father and the two laughed again. Both families were so involved with one another they totally forgot why they were on the course in the first place.

"Bring that around, there you go." Niall's father fixed his hat and kissed his wife's head. He then finally saw Harry and Zayn standing awkwardly trying not to engage anything that might offend the rich families. "Quite a season you boys had." Mr. Horan smiles.

"Oh, Harry played for the golf team, too, Mr. Horan. He's very talented." Taylor looked at Harry with hearts in her eyes.

"Oh, versatile." Mr. Swift looked at Harry amused, then turned his attention to Zayn. "How about you, son?" He asked.

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