Anong Meron?!?!???

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Random thoughts shattered inside your closet. That feeling of something is written all over your face and you just want to scream it out loud but no one seems to hear because nothing is really heard!

Awkward things strikes you and it is making you wonder where it is coming from. It‘s like wanting to say, do or feel so much but you just can‘t figure it out. Something is happening somewhere and somehow you are feeling it. Your mind and soul are craving for something and you can‘t help but to be awake eventhough you‘re sleeping!

Sometimes the idea of a total insanity comes to place but it is not a big deal. An idea far from reality. In every personality lies insanity in perfect balance. It will only break out if it didn‘t handle well.

Oh! I know it just a puzzle waiting for the pieces to collide and build a stronger one. It can also be an endless mystery of one‘s journey to cope up with.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good!

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