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We are all somehow in our own kind of slumber. Resting peacefully, not giving a single damn.
But are all going to have to wake up. One way or another we have to wake up. To see our ignorance and grieve with what we have created. To watch the monster we have created laugh at our faces and say 'goodbye for I am off to reek havoc.'

Awakening is not just physically raising up from our beds but it is the raising up of our mind, body and soul.

Awakening to our different callings.
Awakening to our different strengths.

We arise to either pick a gun or hold the shield for we are protectors, healers.
We are who chose to be. But we can't be anything when we are asleep still dreaming, still ignoring. When we can be better, do better.

I am awakened.
Are you?.

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