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He sees me.
He looks deep into me.

He sees things I do not see, but I keep searching.

I'm trying to prove that there's nothing in me but he sees it.
He sees the darkness
He sees the burns and the scars.

How could it all be real?
Its all a lie!
He can see my flaws and stay

My flaws keep people away.
He can't be real.
He is merely the figment of my imagination.

No one can love me
No one can truly care
No one can see my pain and stay

They think they see it.
He thinks he sees me, but its a lie.
He's a lair
They all are.

They trap you, dig out your soul, dust it and bury it.

Lucky for me, I have no soul. I have no heart.

I am but an empty human walking, with murder on her hips.

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