Chapter 10- im sorry

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3rd person POV
"I-I'm sorry sorry I have to go!" Marinette started to run outside "wait up girl!" Shouted ladywifi. Marinette left the whole club in shock nobody fought the nice shy girl in their class could be the amazing ladybug
"Who are you two?" Adrien asked hawkmoth and blue peacock "do you really want to know Adrien?" They both said in sync "yes" adrien said. Hawk moth and blue peacock took their makeup masks and looked at the shocked boy infront of them "m-mom d-dad!?!" "Yes Adrien it's us we used to come here when we were your age we used to battle each and every breakdancer in this club, every time we won they had to revele their identities to everyone" "..." Adrien was speechless he didn't know what to say "I saw you the other night sneaking out of the house then I convinced your father to come here and do a challenge with you and your partner " said Adrien's mother "now go get your girl" Gabriel said with a smile. Adrien started running outside the club he didn't know were she could be 'maybe she is at her house' he thought to himself. He kept running it the direction of marionettes house but all of a sudden he spotted red out of the corner of his eyes it was Marinette running straight to the Eiffel Tower.
Adriens POV-
I saw Marinette heading to the Eiffel Tower, I wanted to scream her name out but I was afraid she was going to run away to a different place so I followed her to the Eiffel Tower. She went to the top and got close to the edge and looked down I saw a stream of tears falling from her eyes I went and hugged her from the back "it's okay Mari don't be scared it's just me Adrien" I said in my calmest voice " "why are you here" "because I love you" she turned around and looked at me with shock "y-you l-love m-me!" "Of course Mari I love you with or without the mask, Marinette and ladybug are the same person" "no I'm just clumsy and mess up everything on the other hand ladybug is confident and brave characteristics that aren't Marinette" "that's not true you have defended your friends from chloe your brave and confident your just afraid of showing it" I felt Marinette pull me into a hug I hugged her bag and pulled away "I love you Mari with all my heart!" "I-I love you to kitty" I did something I thought I would never do, I kissed her we pulled away and stared at the view. We kept on staring at Paris's beauty when I her Marinette yawn I picked her up bride style I took her to my home, I didn't know it my parents were home or back at miraculous so I snuck up to my room with a sleeping Mari in my arms. I lauded her on my bed and I lauded next to her I took the covers and pulled them on top of us. I pulled Mari closer to me and slowly fell asleep with her
-in the morning-
I was woken up by my two parents snickering and holding a camera "hey what are you doing in my room your going to wake up Mari!" I whispered yelled at my parents "sorry son, looks like you did get your girl huh?" "Yeah now get out before she wakes up!" I wished yelled once again when they were leaving I overheard my mother say "she would make a great daughter-in law" I smiled at the thought of Marinette being my wife *groans* "good morning sleepy head" I said teasingly "good morning kitty what time is it?" She asked me. I leaned over to get my phone and turned it on "11:35 why?" I asked her "I'm supposed to get back home before my parents notice I'm gone"she explained "just tell them you got up early and came to my house to work on a dance routine "okay kitty"
"Do you want to get some ice cream?" "I would love to kitty but I can't go out in public in this" she said pointing to her dancing clothes "your right you'll attract to many boys" I said "silly kitty" she said while giving me a kiss on my cheek "let me ask my mother of she has some clothes you can borrow" "thank you kitty" I went to my mothers bedroom and knocked at the door "come in" I went in and asked her if Marinette could borrow some clothes "sure adrien here tell her she can keep them" "thank you mother!" I said while running out of her room. "Here Mari my mother says you can keep the dress if you want to!" "Thank you!" She said while going to the restroom, I waited for 5 minutes for her to get out of the restroom boy she looked stunning in blue. I grabbed her hand and we started to go to the ice cream shop, when we got there I asked her which flavor she wanted "strawberry  please!" "One strawberry and one chocolate mint please I said to the cashier. When they handed us the ice creams we sat down in a small table next to the window getting a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower "hey Mari do you ant to be my girlfriend?" I asked her "I would love to kitty!" She said while giving me a quick kiss


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