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"Yo, yo, yo!  DJ Mac in da house!  Y'all havin' a rockin' time?"  He got a great big roar from the crowd in response.  "Great!  Now, its time for the moment that we've all been waiting for—the official coronation of this year's King and Queen of the Senior Prom!"

DJ Mac held up two golden envelopes.  "I hold in my hands, the winners of the most votes."  He opened one envelope that had King written on the back in fancy white lettering.  "For your King, by a landslide vote, our star quarterback and senior class president, Xander Farway!"  Everyone cheered as a handsome, muscular guy in a nice gray jacket with matching pants and a royal blue tie.  He gave the crowds a double thumbs-up high in the air as DJ Mac placed the fake golden crown on his head.

"And now, the big one."  He opened the one with Queen written on the back.  "By a unanimous vote...class secretary, student council leader, and captain of the Heroes cheerleading squad, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your Prom Queen, Megan Morse!"  The room exploded into whoops and applause as the spotless fell on the lucky girl.  Her pale skin was smooth and unblemished, her cheeks dusted with the prettiest shade of pink.  Her hair was a beautiful coppery red, brushing her shoulders in soft curls.  Her eyes were the color of smooth, creamy caramel, and were filling up with tears of joy.

She ran onstage, her red dress shimmering under the lights, and curtsied as the diamond rhinestone tiara was adjusted into her hair.  DJ Mac held his microphone towards her.  "Congratulations, Megan.  Do you have anything you'd like to say to your subjects?"  "Yes, I do!", Megan said cheerily, showing off her perfect smile.  "Go, Heroes!"  All of the other cheerleaders gathered round, Megan front and center.  "Ready?  Okay!"

Go!  Go, go!  Go, you Mighty Heroes!
Fight!  Fight, fight!  Fight, you Mighty Heroes!
Win!  Win, win!  Win, you Mighty Heroes!
Go!  Fight!  Win!
Roll Call!

One by one, the senior Hero cheerleaders strutted out in front, introducing themselves.

"I'm Amber!"

Megan stood up, smiling, her hands up in the air.

"And everyone knows that I'm Megan!"

Then, the crowd turned on her.

Megan thinks that she's so hot,
'Cause she's got the captain spot!

Hey, I won that fair and square!
I lost ten pounds and curled my hair!

We really made a big mistake!
Don't you think her chest looks fake?

I swear that these are my real breasts!
My right is bigger than my left!

We don't know to why we chose her!
Look at her, she's such a poser!

Megan stood tall and proud like a true queen.

I'll prove to you that I'm legit!
I'll work real hard and never quit!

She then led her squad into the ultimate routine, flipping and jumping.  She jumped on the hands of two of her friends, then on the hands of two more.  They catapulted her to the top of the pyramid, where she held her arms up in a V and grinned before all.  "GO, HEROES!"

They all cheered, popular opinion back on her side.  She closed her eyes, relishing in her moment of glory.  "You suck!"  Her eyes flew open, to see a familiar face in the crowd, glaring directly at her.  "Conner?"
"Miss Morse?"  Her head shot up from the desk.  "Conner?!"  Mr. Carr smiled at her.  "That's correct!  John Connor!  Excellent work, Miss Morse."

Megan immediately went digging through her purse and pulled out her compact mirror.  Her skin was still unblemished, her hair was still smooth and silky looking, and her teeth were still straight.  She looked down herself, relieved to see her breasts were still there, hugged by the cheerleader uniform she had always wanted.

She looked back into the mirror, back at the beautiful, admired girl, the girl she had always wanted to be and now really was.  This is me., she thought happily.

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