Trouble A-Brewing

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Megan flung her bowling ball down the iridescent wooden lanes.  It rolled in a perfectly straight line and struck the bowling pins right in the center.  Two-thirds of the pins toppled over.  The screen overhead lit up.  SPARE!  "Great job, babe!", Xander said, coming over to give her a firm kiss on the lips.  He gave her one whether she got a strike or a gutter-ball.  It was getting annoying.

"Your turn, Conner!" He came up and lugged the biggest, heaviest bowling ball on the rack. In perfect form, he rolled the ball in a perfect straight line right smack center lane. It zoomed down at top speed before crashing into the pins, knocking them all over. The screen exploded with light and color. STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!

Megan applauded happily. "Awesome! You've been bowling nothing but strikes all day!" Xander was silent as he looked at the scores. Conner was way ahead of all of them, even Xander. He sighed. First it was football, and now it was bowling.  What would the new guy beat him at next?

Amber stepped up to the plate. She picked up her ball with both hands and chucked it up into the air and onto the lane with a loud CLONK! It rolled slowly down before making a turn to the left and landing in the gutter.  She turned around to see her teammates looking at her peculiarly.  "What?  I don't wanna ruin my nails."

"Hey, new guy, I'm kinda thirsty.", she said to Conner as she sashayed back to her seat.  "Be a dear and get me a drink, huh?"  Conner's face took on a slight tinge of red.  He opened his mouth to give Amber a piece of his mind when Megan put a hand to his arm.  "I'll go with you."  She took Conner by the hand and led him away.  Xander took the bowling ball to take his turn while Amber watched them walk over to the snack bar.

"Two Caesar salads, two bottles of mineral water, two cans of Pepsi, a Mega Mr. Meaty, and a double bacon cheeseburger with extra pickles and no onions."  Conner smiled at her a little bit.  "You remembered."  She smiled back and nodded.  Conner looked back at Amber sitting at the alley and scowled again.  "I don't why you put up with her.", he grumbled.  "She's such a diva!"

"Amber's a great girl.", Megan said.  "She just doesn't have a filter."  "Great girl?", Conner exclaimed.  "Are we talking about the same Amber?  Amber Vaughn, the sneaky little snake, who picked on anyone less popular than her?"  Megan rolled her eyes in exhaustion.  "Conner, that was four years ago!  People can change in that time.  I did."  Conner looked at her.  "You certainly did."  Because the Megan I left behind wouldn't date a jerk like Xander in a million years.

Amber looked at them chatting, her twisted little mind on peak.  She looked back at Xander, who was preparing to toss his ball down the lane.  "Wow, Xander, I'm surprised you're taking this so well."  "Taking what so well?", he asked, not taking his focus off the pins at the other end.  "Conner and Megan, of course!", Amber said, as if it was so obvious.  It was then that Xander lost his concentration.  He looked at Amber.  "What about them?"

Amber blinked twice, looking surprised.  "Aren't you concerned with how close they're getting?", she asked.  Xander shrugged.  "So?  They're friends.  Really good ones.  They've known each other for years."  "Exactly.", Amber said.  "They know each other better than anyone.  Which is why they're perfect for each other."  Xander tilted his head to the side, confused.  "The perfect friends?"

Amber groaned in frustration.  This guy could not take a hint.  "No!  The perfect couple!"  Xander smiled and laughed.  "Couple?!  Conner and Megan?!  That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of!"  "Why is it so dumb?", Amber replied, getting cross. Xander shot her a cocky grin. "Well, first off, Megan is my girlfriend." Amber smirked. "Oh, sure she is. For now."

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