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"I am proud to proclaim you all graduates of Young Justice High School!", the Principal announced over the speakers as he stood on the podium.  "Goodbye and good luck to you all in the future!"  Parents and children alike cheered as the crowd of students threw their caps up high into the air in celebration.

The first thing that Megan and Conner did was share a deep, loving kiss.  Wally and Artemis laughed as they approached their friends, laughing as they held each other.  "So!  What's our happy couple's next step in life?"  "You know what next!", Megan jested.  "Ivy University!"  "Visit us often?", Conner asked.  "Don't worry!", Artemis assured them.  "Stanford's only a few miles upstate.  We'll see you a lot!"

"Now c'mon, you two lovebirds!", Wally exclaimed.  "Dick's dad Bruce Wayne is throwing him a killer graduation party at his humungoid mansion!  We've paid our dues, ladies and gentlemen!  Its time to par-tay!"  He grabbed his girlfriend by her hand and led her and their friends through the crowd of cheering, hugging classmates.

Suddenly, they bumped into a certain fellow senior.  He turned around to reveal himself as Xander.  All five were quiet.  Finally, Megan broke the silence.  "Hey."  Xander smiled at her.  "Hey.  Sooo...I hear you and Conner are dating now."  She nodded as she reached over to grab her new boyfriend's hand.  "Yes.  And he doesn't need to give me a pin to wear to show others that he cares about me."

Conner, knowing he had to be the bigger man, started a conversation with his girlfriend's ex.  "So, ready to get to Arizona?"  Xander nervously rubbed the back of his neck.  "Well, you see, there's been a slight change of plans..."  Conner quirked an eyebrow.  "How slight are we talking about?"  "Well—"

"Xandy-Boo!"  Amber came up, smoothing down her teased golden hair.  She looked up and saw Megan holding hands with Conner.  "Oh, hi Megan!", she squealed.  "Did Xander tell you?  He and I are gonna forgo college together!  Instead, we're going to focus on my path to being crowned Miss United States!"  "That sounds great, Amber!", Megan said.  "Conner and I are going to college together, and after we graduate, we're gonna see about getting a place together!"

Conner placed a kiss on her temple as he pulled her away.  "Well, good luck to the both of you!"  After they were gone, Amber whipped her head towards Xander.  "Did she seem jealous to you?  She didn't look jealous!  She should've have been totally jealous!  Why isn't she jealous?!"  Xander swallowed the lump in his throat.  What did I get myself into?
The next day, Conner packed the last suitcase into the trunk of his car.  He looked up at his parents.  His mom was teary-eyed as she hugged her son.  "I can't believe my little boy's all grown up and leaving to go to college!", she sobbed.  Conner rubbed her back.  "Don't worry, Mom.  I'll be okay."  Clark hugged him, slapping his back.  "Do us proud, Conner."

He turned around to see Megan hug her uncle goodbye.  "Time to go."  Adjusting the strap on her pocketbook, she pecked John one last time on the cheek before running over to Conner.  As they got into the front seats, Conner looked at her, admiring her outfit.  It was nothing like the sleek, trendy designer clothes she had worn before, the ones that she wore because everyone else did.  It consisted of a flowing bohemian candy pink top, a long yellow skirt with pink flowers on it, pink ballet flats, and a yellow headband in his tussled red hair.  She looked like herself—free, fun-loving and a little bit girly.  Her own person.

For the past four years, she had tried and succeeded in becoming the girl she had always wanted to be.  But while it had gotten her popularity and the Prom Queen crown, it had also gotten her a cheating boyfriend and a backstabbing best friend.  Her dreams had all come true, she had gotten everything she'd wanted from high school.  But, to her surprise, instead of wishing she could relive the memories, she found that she was eager to leave them and the girl she had been behind and focus on being Megan.

Conner buckled his seatbelt and smiled at her.  "Ready?"  She buckled her and took his hand, beaming happily.  "Ready."  He started the car, and they pulled out of the driveway of their childhood homes and onto the open road leading to their future.  It had been just like when Conner had left for Kansas five years ago, only this time, instead of leaving Megan waving behind him, she was taking the journey with him.  And they knew in their hearts that from now on, no matter what the world threw at them, they would be able to face it.


And that's the end!  Whew!  This is the longest story I've ever posted!  Thank you all so much for following along, and I hope you all enjoyed it!  I do not own YJ or DC.

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