Its Complicated

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"Dudes! Coach just posted the football roster!" A hundred guys dragged their girlfriends to the school community board to see the results. Some pumped their fists into the air in victory. Others walked away with their heads hanging low. Megan watched it all in the back of the crowd, waiting for it to fall apart so she could post the list of new cheerleaders.

As the crowd finally disbanded and made an easy path for her, she hurried over with the cheer results and a thumbtack. Just as she stuck the list on the bulletin board, she noticed Xander standing right next to her, still gaping at the football roster. "What is it?" When he didn't answer, Megan leaned in to get a good look.

Quarterback—Conner Kent

Megan let out a tiny gasp. "Oh, Xander, I'm so sorry." And half of her meant it. The other half, however, was happy for Conner. But she suppressed that side and put on her sad face on for her boyfriend, who was slowly transitioning from shock to anger. "Unbelievable! Who does this guy think he is? Just, swooping in to steal my spot on the team!"

Megan patted him on the arm. "Its okay, baby. Look." She pointed to the roster. "They didn't cut you from the team. You got put on the defense. That's good, right?" Xander shook his head. "I guess, but...the offense has all the glory shots. I'm just the backup. I'm not the star anymore."

Megan got his attention. "Look, cheerleading is fiercely competitive. Everyone wants to be the star of the squad. But the truth is, to be the best of the best, we have to work as a team to shine like the sun. We're great as individuals, but together, we are incredible. Same with football. You have to work together to beat the odds. Even if you're not quarterback anymore, you're part of a team. And you need to work as a team to get to the championships."

Xander smiled at her. "You always know just what to say, babe." He leaned down to kiss her. When she pulled away, she saw Conner standing right behind Xander. "Oh! Hi, Conner!", she said, tucking a loose strand behind her ear. "Saw the football roster. Congratulations! You made quarterback." She looked at Xander, who was glaring at Conner. She jabbed him in the ribs. "Oh! Yeah!", he said. "Congrats, dude. Welcome to the team."

Conner glanced at the list and smiled. "Awesome! Guess that means we'll be seeing each other a lot now." Megan nodded. "Yeah, we all will. Right, Xander?" Xander nodded, unenthusiastic. "Yeah. Great." He looked at Megan. "Uh, I'm gonna be late for class." He pecked her on the lips. "Love you." "Love you more." Xander walked straight past Conner, knocking him on the shoulder. "What's his problem?" "Don't mind Xander.", Megan said. "He's just upset because you took his place on the team. He'll cool down."

Conner shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and rocked back and forth on the heels of his sneakers.  "Sooo...Megan.  I was wondering...maybe you'd like to get together sometime.  Maybe grab a latte or go for a slice of pizza?  I know this great place on the corner of Fifth and—"  Megan held up a hand to silence him.  "Hold on.  Are you asking me on a date?"

Conner held up both his hands, shaking them along with his head.  "No!  No, no, no, of course not!"  Megan sighed with relief as she twirled a hair around her finger.  "Good, good, ''d be weird.  I mean, I have a boyfriend."  Conner chuckled nervously.  "Its just, I don't see you as much as I thought I would, and I thought we could take some time to catch up."

Megan chewed on her lower lip, thinking hard.  Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Conner, she answered, "I guess it wouldn't hurt.  I have to admit, I have a lot of questions for you."  Conner smiled like a fool.  "Awesome.  I'll see you after school, at the pizza place at Fifth and Elk Street."  The bell rang, cutting their conversation.  "See you soon.", he said, walking down the hall towards Algebra.

Megan watched him go.  She turned back to the cheer results she had just posted, and the smile slid right off her face. "Oh, no!" In her pleasant surprise, she had forgotten that she had cheerleading practice right after class. For a moment, she thought about running after Conner and explaining things to him. But she quickly erased those thoughts from her mind. Conner was new to school, and didn't have a lot of friends yet. He needed this.

Just then, the girls ran to her side. "Hey, Megan! What's the plan for practice today?", Wendy asked. Megan stared at her for a moment before answering. "Actually, girls, I'm not feeling well today.", she whined, pretending to clutch her stomach in pain. "I think I ate something bad." "With the slop those fatass lunch ladies feed us, no wonder.", Amber muttered under her breath.

Megan shook her head. "I think I'm just gonna head straight home after class." "But Megs! You're captain, remember?", Karen exclaimed. "We need you! Who's gonna lead practice today?" Amber stood up straighter. "I can do it!" Artemis shot her the stink eye. "The day I take orders from you is the day hell freezes over!"

Megan put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Actually, Amber's right. Spirit Law states that if for any reason the head cheerleader is unable to perform her duties, then the first runner-up is entitled to take over her responsibilities." She took a step towards a giddy Amber. "Under the current circumstances, I, Megan Morse, appoint Amber Vaughn captain for the day." Amber pressed her hand to her chest, beaming with honor. "I promise to lead the squad as you would have."

She strutted off like a proud peacock. "Get better soon!", Artemis fiercely whispered as she and the others went their separate ways. "Really soon!" Megan nodded her head, took a deep breath, and walked off to her final class of the day.

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