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°°°Hello there, Sherberts, and welcome to my latest work! I have recently fallen in love with the anime Attack on Titan, or otherwise known as Shingeki no Kyojin. So, of course, I decided to write a fanfiction! Just wanted to make a few things clear:
This is not a Ereri(LeviXEren) fanfiction.
I have nothing against the ship, in fact, I may be making a fanfiction in the future. But for plot purposes, this ship can't happen in this novel. So if that's what you're here for, I'm sorry. If you want to view the ships, they're in the description.
If you haven't watched Attack on Titan, don't read this!
I am aware the majority of my followers belong to the Aphmau fandom. Not all of them have seen Attack on Titan. If you haven't, either watch it or don't read this. It won't make sense and there will be spoilers!
That's all for now. Let the story begin!°°°

Day 27, Year 2016

     My name is Eren Jaeger. I'm 16 years old, or perhaps 17. My birthday is sometime around here. My friend, Armin Arlet, convinced me to start a journal. This isn't some 'Dear Diary, I meet this guy. OoOoooOo he's so hot I could kiss him' shit. This is a journal recording my findings, the welfare of my group, the current situation and how it evolves. So if humanity somehow survives this and pries this from my decaying hands, they'll have the gist of things. What happened on the year of 2016. So yeah, this is Eren Jaeger.
This is me and my fucked up life.

Eren closed the book and sighed. He'd start recording tomorrow. He pushed himself against the tree, propelling himself upwards, the bulge in his pocket shifting uncomfortably. It was his gun. Eren snorted. One month ago, if he casually carried around a gun, he'd be arrested on the spot. Now, you're crazy if you don't. He glanced behind him, at the flimsy electric fence. They had been lucky enough to find a deserted military base. They hid in the safety of the walls, scattered amongst other refugees, that kept to themselves. But those battered wires wouldn't hold forever. Armin and Mikasa had held idle talk with him about what to do if they came down. They could at any given moment. They weren't even electric anymore.
Eren grimaced as he saw something rather disturbing on the other side.. An infected. A hollow. Eren shivered. Maybe he should kill it. End it's suffering. Besides, if he didn't, he might end up regretting it later. Sighing, he pulled out his gun. It was to close to the gate as well. Eren loaded his gun, hearing the click that had become all to familiar in his world, and aimed at the monster. He briefly imagined the horror on his mother's face as she watched him aim the gun with such precision, such skill and practice. He chuckled slightly under his breath. Oh, his mother, a complete pacifist, would be ao disappointed in how he turned out. A murderer. Eren shook his head. No, he's no killer. He's only killing monsters that have inhabited human bodies. Eren gently closed his eyes and placed his pointer finger on the trigger, tensing up as he prepared for the rebound.
Eren's eyes flew open. A bullet had blown through the Hollow's head, it's lifeless eyes flew to the back of it's head and it crumpled. There was only one problem.

He didn't pull the trigger.

Eren's eyes flew up, met with brown ones. A few yards away, on the opposite side of the fence, stood two boys, one heavily leaning on the other. He appeared injured. The other blew the smoke off his gun, similar to old cowboy movies Eren used to watch with his family, and narrowed his eyes. He had a blonde uppercut with a dirty brown undercut. His clothes were torn and he looked extremely tired. The boy he was supporting had a bullet wound I  his leg, tied up rather miserably, and his freckled face was terribly pale. His green eyes were barely squinted open, and his black hair was tosseled. Although, fortunately, didn't appear to be bitten. "Hey!" The blonde boy, who Eren quickly nicknamed Horseface, called out to him. "Open up the damn gate and let us in!"
Eren didn't respond, just stared. Finally, he gulped. "W-why?"
Horseface snorted. "Um, hello? My comrade is freaking bleeding to death and he needs medical attention! Isn't this some sort of safe haven?"
"Jean...be nice." Freckleface murmured weakly.
Horseface, or Jean, apparently, scowled. "I'm not going to be nice if this idiot won't open the gate!"
Eren frowned. "Hey! I'm not a-why should I even-"
"Eren!" A familiar voice called. "Is that-oh my, he's hurt! I'll go open the gate!" The blonde boy who had bounced up to him gasped, blue eyes big, and ran to the gate. "Armin, wait-" Eren exhaled in frustration. Jean smirked wickedly at him. Eren decided to just stick to calling him Horseface. Sighing, Eren ran off after his childhood friend. Today was going to be a long day, he could tell.

Attack On Hollows(Eremin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang