¤Chapter 1¤

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Day 27, 2016, Cont.
    So this twerp showed up at our camp today. I call him Horseface, but I think his name was Jean. He had some wounded kid with him. Still haven't learned his name, but I'm going to call him Freckles. Apparently, Horseface, being the idiot he appears to be, had heard rustling in the woods and shot in that direction. It was the boy. Poor kid. He's too weak to talk at the moment, barley alive. Dr.Zoe fixed him up though, so he should be good. But are they going to join our group?

Jean rolled his eyes and he was harassed with questions by Dr.Zoe Hange-Ackerman. Her husband, Lev or something, stood cross-armed in the corner, watching. "How bad is the virus? How long does it take to affect you? How have you survived alone for this long?" Dr.Zoe questioned.
Jean's voice unintentionally turned cold. "It's bad. Hollows everywhere. It takes around a hour to a day, depending on the person. And I wasn't alone until recently. I used to travel with my mother and sister..." Jean's voice trailed off.

"Jean! Jean! Take Natalie and go!" His mother wept as she shot blindy into the crowd of hollows. Raiding that building wasn't the best of ideas. Jean clutched his sister. "Mom, you're coming too!" He yelled at her, reaching out to mom, releasing his sister. Worst mistake of his life.
"I left Teddy! I left Teddy!" Natalie, too young to comprehend that those bodies weren't human, ran up to them and waved happily.
"Natalie, no!" Jean and his mother screamed, reaching out for her.
"Hello sir, can you pwease help me find my teddy bea-"
She was cut off as the Hollow before her, only seven at the most, tore the flesh off her arm with his teeth.
"Owwww!" Natalie cried, falling and clutching her arm. Too young to be made a Hollow, the hollows circled her crying body and did what they do when they encounter infants or children under five.
They ate her.
Jean's mother screamed and threw herself into the crowd, shouting Natalie's name and shooting widly. "No-Mom, it's too la-" Jean once again was cut off in horror and shock as a Hollow sunk it's teeth into his mother's shoulder. She screamed in pain and clutched it tightly. "Jean! Run! Save yourself!" She screamed. "B-but Mom-"
"Jean Kirstien! Listen to your mother for once!" She screamed, and tears brimmed in Jean's eyes. Wiping them away, ignoring the screams of his 4-year-old sister, he turned and ran, exiting the building in tears. His mother watched him go through hazy eyes.

Jean shook his head. Dr.Zoe gasped. "Oh...I'm so sorry...they...turned...didn't they?"
"Not my sis. She was eaten." Jean sighed and Dr.Zoe's sympathetic expression deepened. "Oh my... I'm terribly sorry."
"I'm sick of people saying that. It's not your fault. You didn't kill them." Jean said coldy, and Dr.Zoe opened her mouth to speak, only interrupted by a groan from the freckled boy on the hospital bed. "Ow...my leg..."
"Oh! He's awake!" Dr.Zoe exclaimed, jumping up. "Hello, my name is Dr.Zoe Hange-Ackerman but you can call me Dr.Zoe for short. Nice to make your acquaintance!" Dr.Zoe said merrily. Jean looked over at the boy he had saved. Did he care about the kid? No. In fact, he appeared weak. Not someone Jean would care to think about. But he felt bad for shooting the guy, so he carried him to a doctor. Most he could do. But now it appears they've dragged him into their gang. And maybe that isn't all that bad. Like Dr.Zoe was implying, going solo in this world was a risk not many people took, and the little that do usually don't last more than a week. "Oh...hello ma'am. How'd I get here?" He asked. His voice was nice. Just saying.
"Oh, this nice young man brought you in after you got wounded." Dr.Zoe explained, pointing to Jean. Jean grunted and looked away.
The boy looked at him. "Well, thanks, I gu-Hey! You're the dude that shot me!"
"Accident. Sorry." Jean said, his tone far from apologetic.
"It's fine." The boy slowly moved his leg, wincing.
"Oh, honey, just let it rest for awhile. Now, what's your name?" Dr.Zoe asked.
"Marco. Marco Bodt." The boy replied, messing with his untamed hair.
"Well, Marco nice to meet you. I've already introduced myself. This is Levi Ackerman, my husband. That's Jean, assuming you didn't already know. We have other children around your ages that I'd like to introduce you two too."
Marco nodded in agreement and sent a wave in Levi's direction, who just ignored him. Jean just sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

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