¤Chapter 3¤

56 3 2

Day 29, 2016
    Well, we're off to the outside in a few minutes. Armed with a camera and a gun. Armin is going. Armin is going. Ugh. I tried to stop him...but now he's mad at me. Horseface and Freckles aren't going. Freckles still has his leg and Horseface stays with him, since they came together.
So here's the list of people that volunteered to go out:
And, of course, me. Where Armin and Mikasa go, I go. Wonder what waits for us outside.

"Alright, maggots, we're heading out for the first time, beyond the fence, today." Erwin said, pulling on a military backpack. "Does everyone have what they need?"
Mikasa nodded, pulling on her own backpack. She had checked before: A food ration, a water bottle, a blacket, a lighter, an extra knife. A flare gun and some flares. She had her gun in her holster and a camera around her neck. She was in Andrew, Sasha, and Levi's group. She was disappointed she wasn't with her brother, Eren. That's the reason she volunteered for the expedition after all. Eren was with Armin, Erwin, and Sasha. All good fighters that should be able to protect her brother. Well, Armin isn't much of a great fighter, but he's smarter than the average teenager. He'll protect Eren with his brain. Mikasa sighed as Erwin opened the gate, leading everyone outside. Mikasa walked out, gravel crunching beneath her boots, with her group. When Erwin stepped out, he signaled to Mike, another adult who was staying back to watch for trouble, who closed the gate. "Alright, soldiers. My group goes left. Levi's, right. Zoë's, middle. If any of your comrades are in need of help, or are in dire danger, fire a flare. The closest group will come to your assistance. Now, march!"
Erwin was a former commander in the army, when there had been an army. Now all that's left is the cowards that call themselves soliders hiding out in their bases, which are completely on lockdown. Levi, without a word, headed  towards the right, disappearing into the trees. Miaksa followed, along with Andrew and Sasha, trying to remember what Dr. Ackerman had said her husband's job was before the invasion. Dr. Ackerman was a scientist, specifying in the human body. I think Levi was some sort of assassin for the government. Mikasa was delighted to be in the hands of a soldier, scientist, and assassin. They couldn't possibly be more protected.
"Hollow ahead!" Levi called out a few minutes into the trip, taking out his camera and taking multiple pictures. A low growl came from the direction of Levi's attention, and Levi, tsk'ing, pulled out his gun. He aimed with precision and pulled the trigger with ease, shooting the Hollow right between the eyes. Only someone with years of practice could kill the way Levi killed. Mikasa, modest as she was, had to admit she could fire a gun pretty damn well. But Levi was a whole different story. He's a cold-blooded, heartless, trained-to-kill solider. Exactly what Mikasa had hoped to find when she had dragged her two boys into the settlement. Levi hadn't wanted to take him in, but Zoë had insisted. She'd told me in privacy later on she'd always wanted children, and now that it wasn't likely she'd survive to have them, she'd like to help the children the world has left and treat them like her own. And she's done nothing but that for them. Mikasa is eternally grateful for the scientist's kindness. Without it, it is likely the trio would be dead. Minutes stretched, and they'd hear the occasional gunshot, but never a flare. They encountered more Hollows as well, snapping pictures from every angle the could manage before decommissioning the Hollow. Mikasa, being the second best aim in the group, took the back, while Levi stayed in the front. Mikasa eventually grew bored. What was the point of venturing outside if all they were doing was snapping pictures? What help did it do to humanity? What was the p-
Mikasa's train of thought was cut off by a scream. A very human scream. From two feet in front of her. It was Andrew. A Hollow jumped down from a tree, attacking him. It growled and snarled while Andrew furiously struggled. Levi quickly went into action, aiming carefully not to shoot Andrew as Sasha shot up a flare. Levi fired, killing the Hollow. "Andrew! Are you alright?" Sasha asked worridely.
"It..it bit me..." Andrew whimpered. Mikasa's eyed widened. She knew what had to happen. Andrew would 'hollow', they like to call it. The light leaves there eyes until they're empty and then they go insane, trying to eat other humans. Levi stared at Andrew. "Andrew..."
"I know what it means." Andrew sobbed. "Just please...end me...I want to see my mum..." Levi sighed and pulled out his gun. "I'm very sorry Andrew. You were a good man, friend, son. I wish you well in the afterlife." He pulled the trigger and Andrew slumped to the ground, blood pouring from his head. He waa dead. Sasha let out a sob and Levi's face contorted with pity for a moment. Mikasa sighed sadly. What was it all for?
"I got the signal!" Erwin yelled, running into view. "What's the-oh." He stopped dead when he saw Andrew's body, atop the Hollows. "Andrew..." 
Lillian appeared. "Andrew...?" She gasped. "No! Andrew!"
Didn't they have some sort of thing going on?
She leaned over the body as Dr.Ackerman's group arrived. "What happened?" Dr.Ackerman asked worriedly, looking over at Levi. "Andrew got bit. He had me..." Levi's voice trailed off and Zoë nodded in understanding. "Oh...I'm sorry." Levi simply nodded in response and said nothing. Mikasa looked over at Eren. He was standing next to Armin, head hung. Mikasa was filled with relief that they were alright. Another gunshot grabbed her attention as she spun around to find the source. Lillian lay dead, on top of Andrew, gun in her hand. "Suicide..." Erwin whispered. Sasha wailed and Connie went to comfort her.
"I'm sorry for you loss." Someone said. Heads turned. It wasn't anyone from our group. Three familar figures stood before them. Levi pointed the gun at them instinctively, not knowing them. Mikasa gasped and Armin stepped backwards. Eren's eyes widened. The girl who had spoken laughed, her two male friends behind her. "My eyes are deceiving me." Eren muttered. The blonde girl chuckled again. Mikasa stared at her. It was...
Eren was the first to manage words. "No, it can't be. Annie Leonhart?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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