Suprise, Suprise!

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Hello! Many of you have probably read my other book. If you haven't then I suggest you take a look at it. If you read the author's note it has much of the considerations as this book. But let me assure you, it does not have mature content.

So I hope you enjoy and don't steal my writings.

Ignore mistakes


Coral's POV

I was currently at the beach thinking over everything that happened today. Branden asked me out today and I was in no mood to be around people. He had almost kissed me even though I said no, so I ran away from everybody.

The ocean is the first place I come when I am sad, mad, or just need to be alone at the moment. I love the ocean. It calms me. The sound of the rushing waves, wants me to jump in and carry me away from all my problems. The taste of the salty air helps me breathe. The wild wind ruffles my hair and tickles the bare skin behind my ears. I almost laugh outloud as the seals bark at one another and make funny sounds.

I wish I could hear them talk, but I don't have that power, sadly.

My phone rung. I don't need my phone. I am always with my mom, my friends, or at the beach. I only have so I can contact my mom and friends.

"Coral? Where are you? How are you? I'm sorry about today with Branden." My best friend Jennifer asked.

"I am at the ocean, like always, and I'm fine. Branden doesn't matter to me. Forget about him. Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Sure!" She said a little too enthusiastic.

"I'll just run home and get changed."

"No! I mean, uh..., just stay in those clothes. We aren't going anywhere special."

"Ookayy. Where are we going?"

" house, I guess. Just hang out, 'till you're mom calls you."

"Sounds good. I'll be at Sandy's Beach Cafè while you get here. See you in a bit."

"See you."

I heard her sigh with relief as she hung up. Sounded like they were trying to keep me distracted while they did something. But what? I thought.

I soon dropped it as I gathered my stuff and headed to Sandy's. While waiting for Jennifer, I stuffed saltwater cake pops in my mouth and ordered my favorite drink, Sunset on a Beach.

Jenn's light sage green VW Bug pulled up 6 minutes later, and I jumped in, still drinking my Sunset on a Beach. Jenn raised her eyebrow as she set her attention on my cup.

"I should've known you'd get something that had to do with the ocean. Sunset on a Beach, right?" She said, eyebrow still raised and her head cocked to the side.

"Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'.

"Your favorite drink flavor?"

"Yup," popping the 'p' once more.

"Okay." She said like I was crazy and she was giving up on trying to persuade me with something.

She looked exhausted with her blonde hair messed up and her brown eyes drooping with bags underneath her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"You look tired."

"Oh that..." she paused to yawn," I didn't get much sleep last night."

"But you didn't look like that when I saw you last. That was only two hours ago."

"Well, I covered my appearence with makeup."

"Oh, I am so stupid. I didn't think of that."

She laughed as she knocked on my head while saying" Yeah, stupid, stupid, stupid."

"Ouch...owww oww..." I cried like a little kid.

She stopped pounding my head as she pulled up at her house and rushed to unlock the door as fast as she could so no one could see her like this in pajama shorts and a tank top, her hair all messy.

Me and her changed into more comfortable clothes and sat on her bed, talking while drawing and listening to music. Soon after, we got bored of gossiping so we stared to rumage through the movies.

"I still can't believe Ashley sees something in Carlos!" Jenn whisper-yelled as we looked.

"Why are we whipering?" I whisper-yelled back.

"Because Ash might hear and she will give us a long lecture about why she likes Carlos." She said a matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes at how much Ashley talks. You say hi to her and you get stuck in a conversation for days.

"So when can we go back 'round my place? How 'bout after we finish our movie?" I asked. I needed to go home for dinner.

"Sure. It will be late enough by then!" She said entusiasticly.


I had a feeling she was trying to keep me away from my house. She nervously laughed. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged.

We ended up watching Narnia.

"So I think we should head to yours now." Jenn reminded me after Narnia was 2 minutes into the credits.

"Yeah, lets go." I took Jenn's clothes off and threw them in the laundry bin. I put my regular clothes on and stuffed our art supplies in the art case, and picked up all our snack wrappers.

By the time we were all cleaned up, my mom called me.

"Coral, sweetheart, it's getting late. Come home now."

"Hi mom, Jenn and I are at hers. We're leaving right now."

"Hi Samantha!" Jenn yelled by my ear.

"Hi Jenn!" Mom said in an amused voice.

"Jenn and I are leaving now! Byeee!" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Bye!" Mom laughed.

Jenn was grinning like mad, and I knew something was up.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh, nothing! It's just that...Dominic is going to ask me out tomorrow! I just got off the phone with Miles."

"As in Miles, Dominic's best friend?"


"Wow! And didn't you like Dominic for a long time and only Miles, me, and Lea knew?"


"Yay! I'm so happy! I have to be their to record it!"

Just then we pulled up at my house. We got out and I noticed the lights were off and the whole house was quiet.

She is probably already asleep, I thought.

I yawned as I crept quietly to the front door and unlocked it. As soon as I stepped foot into the house, green and blue lights went around in circles and music started. The lights went all curvey like ocean waves, and silver glitter sprung out from confetti shoots. The spotlights all spotted me as I stood there stunned and my mouth hanging open.

People were dancing everywhere, including Jennifer. Mom came over to me.

"Suprise, suprise Coral! Happy 16 birthday!" My mom yelled through all the loud ruckus.

"I can't believe you are already 16. They grow up so fast."

She wiped a fake tear from her eyes and pulled me into the crowd. Most of the people here were my old friends, who said hello as mom dragged me through them.

My dropped me off were no people were standing, and said," I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back!"

I started dancing when Jenn came over, until I saw a nightmare wearing jeans and a leather jacket. My heart stopped as his gaze settled on mine. Branden.

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