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I started dancing when Jenn came over, until I saw a nightmare with jeans and a leather jacket. My heart stopped when his gaze met mine. Branden.


Branden had found me in the midst of the crowd. He smirked. As he walked over I fiddled with my jacket zipper and looked at my suddenly interesting feet.

"Happy Birthday Coral."


"You know, today at school? That was part of our plan. You see we wanted to suprise you and your mother knows you so well, she knew you'd go to the ocean."

I looked up to see amusement in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow.


"Well, while you were there we all set up. Then Jenn was told to call you and take you somewhere. Then you'd come back and see the party we set for you."

"So you don't really like me?"

"Er...not that way. As friends, yeah."

I sighed with relief and I suddenly felt lighter, and happy. Time to enjoy the party!


I was getting tired now and it was hot. I needed fresh air. I walked to my balcony and stared at the sun setting behind the ocean, whose waves were crashing restlessly on a jumble of seaweed.

A gust of wind blew in my face and I turned direction so my hair wouldn't slap my face. As I turned I saw a strangly familier boy with my same eyes and hair. I felt like I knew him, yet I have never seen him before.

His hair was being tousled in the wind, making it look like ocean waves that were rushing through his hair. He turned my way and caught my gaze. His eyes were full of panic and fear and... guilt?

Suddenly he turned and ran down the shore leaving something gold behind. I was soon going down to get it when Jennifer blocked my way.

"Hey Cory, you've been up here a long time. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I looked behind Jenn and her concerned eyes, and saw that the house was almost empty and the music stopped playing.

"Where is everybody?" I ask.

"Most of the people left. The party is almost over."

"Oh. Let's go to my room."

"Okay. But I need to get something real quick. I'll be back."


She laughed nervously and quickly turned.


Jennifer's POV

Coral was looking at me suspiciously. So I laughed a little and quickly turned so she couldn't ask anything. Running up the stairs, I made my way to Coral's room. The ocean blue walls matched the white foam from the crashing waves she painted on the walls.

All of Coral's family and friends piled into the dinning room to get ready for cake, ice cream, and presents. Once I grabbed what I needed I made my way to the dinning room. I had brought my gift wich was wrapped in blue wrapping paper with seals on it.

I called Coral once we got the presents all situated. The cake was brought out and the birthday cake ice cream was put into bowls. The cake was blue with ocean waves made of frosting. Blue, white, and sea green candles were stuck into the cake.

Samantha finished lighting the candles just as Coral stepped in to the dinning room with blue lights strung onto the ceiling. She gasped.

"Happy Birthday Coral!" We all shouted in unison.

All at once we sang 'Happy Birthday'. She was grinning from ear to ear. Samantha cut the cake once we were finished singing, and we had a nice dessert of cake and ice cream.

"Now it's time for PRESENTS!" Samantha said in a sing-song voice.

Yes, it was time for presents.


Coral's POV

After eating bithday cake flavored ice cream and a blue cake, it was time to open my presents. There was a present from basically everyone here and my grandma who was on a trip in Russia.

I walked over to the big pile of presents and picked the first one.

"To: Coral, from: Mom." I read the tag that connected to the light sea green box. I ripped the lid off the box and inside was a new dress. It was full of white frills, supposed ocean waves. At the top right hand corner, by the beggining of the sleeves was a single white trident.

I was about to ask what the trident meant, but my mom gave my best friend a look of panic and Jenn yelled," Next present!"

I snatched the second one, also from my mom. I tore the wrapping paper off to reveal of painting of me and my mom with the ocean in the backround. It was one of the pictures that was on her phone and also mine. I almost cried when I opened the next gift.

It was from my best friend. Jenn's gift. I took the wrapping paper off slowly afraid that it would be a gift that popped out like she did to me last time. But instead it was blue music box with white pearls in a swirly figure. Inside was a dolphin jumping out of the blue velvet cushion. Around it was spurts of water and dazzling white diamonds where outlining the dolphin. It was pure beauty.

"Ooo, thanks so much Jenn. I love it!" I was almost in tears about how beautiful it was. It must have cost a lot.

She smiled happily.

"Okay Coral, next present." My mom said softly also dazed by the beauty of the music box. I nodded a picked up the next present. This one was from my Aunt Carmen. I unwrapped the green wrapping paper and a seal head appereared. It was a little seal stuffed animal. Another popped out. This time it was a dolphin.

They both had huge sparkly eyes. The seal had pink eyes and the dolphin had light blue eyes. They were so adorable!
I quickly hugged Aunt Carmen and started open the next present.

After taking the lid off I realized, that there was only one more gift left. It was from Grandma. It was a beautiful saffire necklace and a diamond...collar? On the bottom of the box was a powder blue silk ribbon and a sea green bow with a trident madallion. What is with all the tridents? I thought.

I put the thought aside as I heard the doorbell ring.

My mom scurried to get the door as she said," I'll get it!"

Once she opened the door she gasped and called me over. I quickly ran over to see smiling in the doorway my Grandma.

Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now