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Once she opened the door she gasped and called me over. I quickly ran over to see, smiling, my Grandma.


"Grandma!" I yelled as I threw myself into her arms." I thought you were still in Russia?"

"Of course not! I had to be their for my grandaughters birthday! Speaking of which, I have your present."

Grandma looked so elegant in her scarlet dress that dropped to the floor, hiding her black heels. Along with her shawl made of wolf fur, was her brown fox fur collar that hung just below her knees.

She pulled out a big present the shape of a box. It was wide and had swirls all over the light yellow wrapping paper. A big red satin bow finished it off. Not my colors, but who cares? A present is a present.

As I took the wrapping paper off another shape appeared. It wasn't wrapped up because it was a carrier. An empty carrier to be exact.

"What would I do with an empty carrier if I don't a pet?"

"Well because, I thought you might need it when you take your dog to the vet."

At that minute, as if on cue, a Pomerainian stepped into view. She yipped happily.

"Oh my gosh, she's adorable!"

"I know right!"


"She's so cute!

"I wish someone would get me a dog for my birthday."

I heard all kinds of things from my family and friends as the little dog ran in circles.

"Come here you little ball of cute." I snatched the dog and pet her while she lay in my lap.

"What are you gonna name her?" Aunt Carmen asked.

I thought for a while about names that had to with things I loved so I decided to name her Pearl after my friend in Arizona before I moved to California. I still see her every holiday and on her birthday. Usually she comes on my birthday, but she had an important job to do so she had to go all the way to Montana. She was 3 years older than me last time I saw her. She was like a sister to me. But now I got Jenn.

"I'll name her Pearl. Remember her mom?"

"Oh she was such a nice girl." Mom gushed.

I hope she could come on Memorial Day. That way Jenn could meet her. I had only became friends with Jenn this year. Pearl moved last summer and then over break, I met Jenn at the National Donut shop. That is literally what it's called.

I could still remember the day I met Jenn like it was yesterday...


I was sorta hungry after crying for one month that Pearl had moved and there would be no one for school. She was going to collage and I was happy for her, becoming a lawer, just like she always wanted. I had to get an iced tea and a donut to calm my nerves. I always had the biggest sweet tooth out of my family. Saying that it wasn't much of a family because there was only me and my mom. I never knew my dad. Whenever I bring him up she tenses, a panicked look on her face and she would always say," It's best you never knew about him."

One day she told me he was dead and to forget about him. Later I heard sobbing, so I knew my dad was really dead. I never brought him up since.

I sat at the only table that was left, seating two. But no one was here to enjoy with me, so I was left alone in the corner, staring out the window at on coming traffic. I sighed. I ordered my orange bloomberry ice tea with a tint of sea salt and my glazed donut and I sat at my seat again. As I was getting up to get my order and sit back at my seat, a blonde ran through the door with her crazy looking heels almost triping her, and ordered and mumbled to herself," I'm gonna be late and I don't even have a table to eat at, I'll have to eat in the car. No I don't want it too messy."

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