The Horse and The Sphinx

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And with that we all walked back to the road and headed for Pearl's red Lexus. After that we got fro-yo for a celebration.


Love is in the making. Blake came along with us to get fro-yo, as Pearl insisted. Now the two of them are in a deep conversation, leaving me out of the situation. They seem so happy talking to each other and I guess Pearl likes everything Blake does. Typical.

All of the sudden I got super bored and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

" guys? I'm going for a walk, okay? I'll see you later." I said quickly and rushed out, not waiting for the answer that Pearl had as she begun to open her mouth to say something, still staring at Blake. I just walked quickly out and rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile. They were so into each other.

I was walking around with no sense of direction and randomly turned a corner. Not knowing where I was, I looked around. I was in a cemetery...


You know that feeling where you feel like you are in a horror movie when it's dark? Well, the sun was setting and chills went up my spine.

I quickly rushed in between the graves until I saw the gate of the exit and my heart beated faster urging me to run. I ran towards the exit and slowly creaked the gate open. I had a feeling someone was watching and I stopped and took a glance around.

As I turned back around I saw a white glow coming from behind me. I turned and saw a beautiful white glowing horse with bright blue eyes. It neighed and inched forward.
He seemed friendly. I walked towards it, my hand sticking out. Not once the horse flinched or even moved of that matter.

Stars glowed above us and the horse gazed up. Then it did something I did not expect it to do. He spoke.

"You know, we are still waiting. I wish you would come home now," he whispered, his voice filled with love and hope as his blue eyes burned into mine sea-green ones.
As soon as he spoke I pulled my hand back and stepped away.

My head was twisting with questions. Who is he? How does he know me? He said 'we'? Why are they waiting for me? What home is he talking about? One of the questions I never thought I would ask spilled out of my mouth.

"Are you a real human in a horse body?"

The horse transfomed into a smiling man with glowing blue eyes and thick black hair. His kind eyes reassured me and his smile relaxed my tensed body. Half his body was cut of and disappeared under a coat of green and blue mist that tasted like sea salt. His whole appearance was so familier, even the smells.

"I am no human. You will find out soon enough. I must go now. Goodbye, my Coral." He laughed and patted my head, only to disappear into thin air.

What did he mean by 'you will find out soon enough'? Why does he know me? Am I dreaming? Wait! Did he read my mind? What the heck?! He did, didn't he?!

I grasped my head and pulled my hair. I ran out of the cementery and ran back to the fro-yo shop to see if they were still there.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a lion dangling from the edge of a parked car. It's tail was lashing from side to side as if it were hunting prey. It lay there, stalking something in the bushes.

What was it doing here?

They belonged in zoos!

Why didn't anyone bother to call the police?

But things got wierder. The lion not only got out of it's cage, but it had grown a woman's head. I looked at me with rage and lashed out at me. Did I just see a sphinx?

A girl with dark hair lunged in front of me and stabbed the sphinx with what looked like a sword. The sphinx body slowly dissolved into gold dust and blew away in the air.

The girl pushed dark brown curls out of her gold orbs and stared at me with a dismayed look and asked with a light tone," You saw that?"

I nodded my head as her eyes grew bigger. "Do you know?"

"Know what?"

She looked at the ground guilty and whispered," Let your family tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing!" She sighed.

She looked up at the burning stars and closed her eyes. She calmly walked away and disappeared into the dark of night. Night? Oh my gosh! I should be home by now!

I pulled out my phone and checked the time 10:45 pm. I rubbed my face when I saw how mad mom was going to be. 12 messages from Pearl, 4 from Jenn, and 3 missed calls from mom. I answered each text and called mom again. She picked up immediately.

"Where are you?"

Rage was evident in her voice. I sighed.

"I'm on my way right now. I was at the fro-yo shop with Pearl-"

She cut me off. "At this time! Are you crazy! They probably aren't even open!"

She was breathing heavily and I could tell she was trying so hard not to burst.

"Mom can I explain everything that happened when I get home. First I need a ride."

"Fine." She grumbled. The last thing I heard was a 'teenagers nowadays' before she hung up.

I quickly dialed Jenn's number and when it rung a couple times, she sent me to voice mail. Rude! I thought. I dialed Pearl's number and she answered immediately.

"What the heck, Coral!"

"Nice to see you too, Pearl," I said sarcastically.

"Ugghh!! Shut up, just shut up! Get your sorry butt over to my car right now or I'll pound you!!"

I grinned at the sight of her red Lexus pull up, but it quickly vanished when I spotted Pearl's red face.

I muttered a quick sorry as I clambered into her car. She just stared at me and shook her head angrily and sped off once I was in my seat.

She never spoke a word and niether did I. She pulled up at my house and once I was out she sped off leaving me in the dark.

I unlocked the door and slowly meander throught the door into the kitchen where my mom had her head in her hands as she leaned on the counter.

As soon as she saw me her worried expression switched into an angry face. I could almost feel her angry vibe radiating off of her.

"Care to explain?"

Yes, tonight was really weird, mom!



Hola! So what do you think of the chapter? Who do you think the horse was? So obvious though.

Anywho, the next chapter Coral finds the symbol. I think you already knows who it belongs to. And let me ask, do you like Jenn or Pearl better?

I don't know why but Jenn hasn't been a big part of this and Pearl has. I mention Pearl a bit more than Jenn because she is regular human while Coral and Pearl, might I add, are more than just human...

One spoiler⬆

Love ya


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