The Trident

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"Care to explain?"

Yes it was a really wierd night, mom!



"Well?" Mom said angrily.

I explained everything to her and her eyes widened.

"Wait! You said you saw a horse turn into a man?" She asked fear full in her voice.

"Yes! And he said they are waiting for me to come home! How do they know me? Who is 'they'? Where did he come from? Where is 'home'? Are they going to take me away from you?" The words sprouted from my tounge and rushed out of my lips like a hurricane.

My mother was silently opening and closing her mouth as if to say something, but no sound came from her.

Finally a whisper broke the piercing silence.

"He was talking about the gods."

I was shocked. "So I just met a god?"

"Yes. And one of them is your...your...uh..,"

"My what!?" I screeched.

"Your...uh, father?" She quietly said.

My angry expression was replaced by a questioning frown. Just as Mom was aboit to speak anger slowly came back and a scowl was plastered on my face, causing Mom to pout with disappointment.

"You kept my father from me all these years and I never knew?"

"I was trying to protec-"

"What kind of mother are you? My dad is a god and you never told me? All these years I just thought my dad was dead, but he is actually up there having the time of his life sitting in that throne of his underwater and drinking Sunset on the Beach tea. And here you are lying to me? What other stuff have you lied to me about? Is my whole life a lie?"

Mom was silent tears streaming down her red cheeks. I was too angry to cry. I was too angry to crawl into her arms and envelope her in a hug and tell her I wasn't mad. I was too angry to care. I looked away.

"What else do I not know about my life?" I growled with so much fury in my voice that I didn't even believe it was me talking.

"Well..." she choked on a sob then proceded with her story," I met your father at Sandy's. He worked there and I went there everyday. We soon started dating and he told me he was Posiden. At first I laughed and didn't believe him, but then he proved it. That didn't change anything I felt for him.

"We got married and we soon had a boy named Percy. He went to a camp and he comes rarely."

"So I have a brother?"

She nodded slowly.

I stared at the ground.

"And Samantha isn't my real name. It's Sally."

A frown settled on my pale pink lips.

Her teal eyes were focused on a far away object, and she was staring off in space. Her eyes narrowed and she clenched and unclenched her fist multiple times. She lost all her thoughts on me being there and turned running a hand through her medium brown hair that had streaks of gray in it.


She didn't hear me.

"Mom?" I said louder.

She didn't move.

"Mom?" My concern was growing.

She didn't speak.

"Mom!" My concern was washed away and replaced by anger.

She turned my way and grabbed me. "You need to calm down. You father needs to go away so we can live our lives normally again. You need to calm down. Please."

I ran out of her arms and sprinted as fast as I could to the ocean. I was too shocked to cry. I sprinted as fast as I could toward the sea. I sat down on my favorite rock and let the tears fall from my eyes. My whole life was a lie.

I had a brother I didn't even know and my dad was a god. My mom had even lied to me about her name! Her name wasn't even Samantha! It was Sally! What she do, lie about my name too. Is my name actually Ellie? Or is it Christina?

I sighed and rested my head on my hands. A glint of gold caught my eye. I turned my head completely in full focus of what it was. I strolled up to it and picked it up. It was a trident with the initals P.J on it. Wierd.

I put it around my neck to make sure I didn't lose it. I was still admiring my new found treasure while walking down the shore and missed sight of the boy looking for something in the sand. I tripped over him and face-planted into the sand.

"Oh, sorry, uh...Coral?" The kid said as he helped me up.

I spit out a clump of sand. "Should I know you?"

", I guess not." He said scratching the back of his neck. I could tell he was nervous.

I looked at the necklace again and held it, hiding it from his view.

"Uh, were you looking for something?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" He asked suspiciously, one eyebrow raised.

I placed a had a hand on my hip and put all my body weight on my left side. "You were digging in the sand."

"Oh, yeah, I lost my trident necklace. If you find it give it to me. I can't go home without it."

"Why not?" I tried to change the subject because for some wierd reason, I didn't want to give it back.

"Well...I,'s hard to explain."

"Okay well goodnight to you. By the way do I know you? You look vaguely familier." A look of panic rushed to his face and that same guilty expression. Wait a minute!

He was the one I saw at my party. He was by the beach when he dropped something, but didn't notice. I sighed and walked away.

I felt his sad gaze burning blades into my back, and I remembered for the first time the story my mom told. I had a brother. The kid looks like me. His name was Percy Jackson. The trident had the initals P.J on it. The kid back there was my brother.

I turned to give the trident back, but he was gone. Darn. This is all my fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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