Chapter 8

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At 9:30pm, she stood at the kitchen bar flipping through the classified ads in the newspaper looking for an apartment. If she really wanted her complete freedom, she couldn't possibly stay anymore with Owen. She was circling a third ideal ad of modest housing when her head turned to the sound of front door lock turning.

Owen pushed the door shut with his elbow and sighed at the long day as he trudged on his tired limp leg inside and dropped his body onto the recliner. He was so relieved to be at home that he didn't see Alice coming from the kitchen till she spoke.

"You're early."

Turning only his head, Owen scanned Alice in the doorway. She wore sweat pants and a loose hoodie with Mickey Mouse etched on the front. For a moment, she looked like the Alice he remembered. No makeup. No fancy clothes. No nights out. Both of them were surprised of the other being there. "My leg's killing me. I strained too much today." He saw Alice straighten up and cleared his throat. "I spend the whole meeting on my feet."

"Oh." She thought he was speaking about his other straining tasks today. "And how'd the meeting go?"

"Does it really interest you?" he said bluntly while he rubbed his sore feet.

She shrugged. "Just trying to make conversation." She turned to go back in the kitchen. "I made some soup if you're interested."

"Is that why you didn't go out today? To cook soup for your new husband?"

She stopped and looked at him with her face rigid. "I wouldn't have cooked any for you if I didn't have to cook for myself and if I wanted to go out, I could have gone afterwards. Do you want soup or not?"

That evening, she didn't have the vibe to go out. As if her mind was telling her that if she was to go out on the day she got married, she should be doing so in celebration. With her husband.

Owen peeled off his jacket and pushed his shoes off with his feet. "Is it that vegetable soup that Ethan would invade the building with its smell?"

"Yea. Was it that bad?"

"It was really bad when you consider Ethan wouldn't want to share except for one delicious spoonful."

Alice turned away and chuckled. "Then come and have a whole serving."

The day's stress vanished when he heard her laugh. But not saw her. She turned away before he could see her. A smile came onto his face to know she wasn't fully armoured against compliments, his compliments, and not wanting her seemingly good mood to end, he followed her slowly, cursing his bad leg.

In the kitchen, he saw Alice's pouring soup in a plate till brimming. She must have left the soup in a warmer because it was still steaming and the smell, oh, he couldn't resist it. He retrieved a spoon from the drawer and dipped it in the soup. When the liquid touched his tongue, he closed his eyes to savour it.

"Goodness, now I understand Ethan's reasoning. This is..." He took another spoonful. "... irresistible. Scrumptiously delicious."

And when he thought the Alice he knew had disappeared, the pleased smile that her lips transformed into was much more exquisite than the soup. "It's the only decent plate I can cook."

Like a hungry lion, Owen placed the plate in the crook of his arm and gulped spoon after spoon. "You're completely free to work on your cooking skills in my kitchen anytime. I'd be your taster any day."

Slowly, Alice's face turned deadpan again and she went to sit on the stool at the bar. Owen stopped the spoon halfway to his mouth. "What? Did I say anything wrong?"

"You make it sound like my stay here is permanent. It's not Owen. We both know this."

Owen realized the hard Alice is back. He put his plate away and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

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