Chapter 14: When It Strikes

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Owen POV
We were in the O.R, trying to save Derek Shepherd. My wife's brother. He was coding. Coding. I yelled, "GET A CRASH CART AND GIVE ME A LOT OF LAP PADS!" They did what I said, and finally, I got the bullet out. I was thinking, "There are like 200 GSW victims every 2 months." Then, he was bleeding, the bullet must've teared his heart. I thought again, "Its raining. Its raining with thunder and lightning. Oh no. This has to be bad luck." I stitched his tear and making sure its secure with no more bleeds. I closed him and brought him to ICU.

Meredith POV
I was crying, crying and crying, hoping my beloved Derek Christopher Shepherd would wake up. It was raining. A lot. I said, "Derek, wake up. You already got injured like 2 times already. Remember the car accident? Now this. Please wake up Der. I love you so much." Its been 2 hours and he hasn't woken up, so I went to the cafeteria to get a sandwich and a coffee. I got my food and ate it at the cafeteria. I went back and hear a lot of doctors and a bunch of noises. I ran to Derek's room.. Then, I heard a doctor said, "Time of death. 14:12" I screamed. Loud. Is Derek really dead? Or is he playing games with me? I screamed as loud as I could. I screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASE NO! DEREK!" When a nurse was about to turn off the monitors, Derek's pulse went back up. I was so relieved and started to cry in joy that Derek isn't dead. Derek isnt dead.

Derek POV
While I was being revived, I heard Meredith's crying. And somehow, when I was down, I heard a doctor call it. I heard Meredith's scream, very loud. I woke up, and saw a red face. It was Meredith. She was crying a lot. About 2 gallons of tears. I laughed a little and Mer heard. Meredith said, "Derek! You scared me to death. Oh I love you so much. Don't ever risk that again, promise me?" I replied back, "I can't promise that Mer. I'm sorry." Meredith understood and kissed me. I kissed back. I felt magical. I haven't had that kind of kiss since like what? 2 days? Who cares. I miss that kiss so much." I asked Mer, "When can I be discharged? Do you know, Mer?" Meredith shook her head no. Then a doctor came in and told me that he'd be discharging me in 2 days. He also said, "Oh and its really rainy outside, I recommend staying here for a bit. I'll bring you an extra bed." Mer said, "Thank you, Dr. Hunt." Dr. Hunt said, "No problem. Its our job." Then he left. I saw a familiar face. It was the receptionist. I said, "Mer, look. Its the ass pincher." We both laughed except for the receptionist. She said, "I heard what had happened. I'm so sorry. You know what would make you feel better? One night in bed with me. We should do it." I made disgusted face. I said, "Look, we went over this, I love Meredith and I will never stop loving her. Just forget about it." The receptionist cried and went to the supply room.

Meredith POV
I thought, "That little bitch! Trying to steal my man. Hell no. She's crazy." Derek must've read my mind, he said, "I know, she's a bitch." I kissed him on the forehead and went on the bed next to him. I put my hand on his chest and he held my hand. That feeling of him touching my hand is so magical. I asked Derek, "I know how to cook. So before you insult me.... What would you like after we go home?" He laughed and said, "I want Mac n Cheese." I laughed and said, "Of course you can, Der." Then Derek said, "God, your laugh gets me every time. Its so cute." Then I hugged Derek really tight and said, "Thank you for staying alive even though you almost died." Derek said, "I'd stay alive for you Mer. I love you."

Hope you enjoy this chapter and the story so far! I will try to make a lot of chapters since on Sunday, I will be going on vacation for 4 days. Thank you and stay juicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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