Human world

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It was so dark and cold
Not that he was bothered by coldness but that silence , it was rather suffocating
His heart was pounding,he was starting to feel claustrophobic....
Until a fast beeping sound then muffled voices he's starting to feel so weak,he was paralyzed when he had felt that pang of pain
Painful yet soothing he calmed down and feel that peacefulness that was cradling him
He was like that for hours ,he didn't know how many hours it was but he seemed mesmerized by it...until he heard a voice
"Young master!!it
it called,it was calling him but why and who was it better be who was him, it hit him there,who was him?
" do not fear young master! Iam here! I may want to tell who I am but I can't!still I can assure you,you have nothing to fear! You'll know me after sometime but for now you have to wake up!!! Wake up now! TOSHIRO HITSUGAYA! "
He wanted to say something but he can't,the words he wanted to say won't come out,he wanted to ask the voice more but he couldn't then a bright light consumed him he shut his eyes as he was completely engulf by it

Then his eyes opened but the blinding light made it a little hard to adjust ,Hus vision cleared

The place was white,he was lying in soft pillows and blankets on his side was a machine that beeps and an apparatus stuck on his face by the nose and mouth
He tried to move but he can't
He stayed like that until a woman on her 30's went in
He can see that she was shocked
She walk to him,systematically he was examined when she had made sure everything's okay she took the breathing apparatus off
"How are you feeling?" She asked in a sweet voice
He was confused on what was going when his mind made a move of it's own,
"I'm fine I guess!" He answered
Not knowing how he learned to speak
"Can you tell me your name?"
He stared at her
" m-my name is,T-Tosh.."
"T-Tosh..iro Hitsugaya!" He said reluctantly
"Do you know who your parents are? Or any contact?" The doctor asked again
" I don't know! I can't remember!" He shook his head
Which the doctor was startled at
She sighed
She wasn't so surprise,she knew something like this might happen specially when she found the boy on the streets covered in his own blood,80 stab wounds on that are fatal,a fatal blow on the head
It was a miracle that she found him breathing though faint
"We'll run more test on you if nothings wrong we'll be transferring you to recovery room" she said as she scribbled on her clipboard before looking at the boy again
His mind was blank the blank expression on His face clearly says that he doesn't have a clue on what ever was going on
She suddenly wanted to hug that child, she was feeling that kind of connection to him....
"I'll be back to bring you food?" She doesn't have an idea where that come from but she didn't regret it specially when the boy snapped up and look at her with bright eyes she smiled at him before leaving but a small hand reached for her wrist
"What is your name?" The boy asked,
"Hakari Sakane" she replied
"O-nee Chan nice meeting you!"
He said smiling
It was the first time she saw him smile but to her it was special......

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