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Its been three months, two more days and the paturnt Toshiro Hitsugaya will be discharged, The child has amnesia and would only talk to the doctor he first saw when he woke up,the problem is no one claimed the child and no record of him was found in every orphanage
Dr.Hakari Sakane made a decision a night before the discharge if the boy
She was willing to adopt him,
Why?it was because of that mysterious feeling, the boy is something,
He was a genius,even for some one who has amnesia,it was somewhat helping him recover ,
For the months they have been together as a patient and physician she had grown attached to the boy
She loves it specially when the boy laughs and smile and was hurt if the boy would shed tears because of frustration
She was never this affected to some one ,she was supposed to be a cold person but this boy some what made her heart warm inspire of having a cold nature towards the others
He was like ice yet as warm as fire at the same time
She then remembered someone with that particular nature,some one that was someone tied to her past, and the name Hitsugaya - somewhat familiar
"Sakine-nee!I'm ready!" She heard a voice
It was Toshiro smiling at her
She told Toshiro that until they find his parents he'll stay in her house
"Then let's go?" She said as she walk to the door then to the parking lot getting her car with Toshiro following her.........minutes later their driving to streets
"Hey Shiro! What do you want to eat?" She asked getting the attention of Toshiro who was looking at the window
"Anything will do!but please can we have water melons for dessert?" He pleaded
"Fine!" She rolled her eyes
"Thank you!".......
Minutes later silence filled the car as she was about to pull to a driveway in convenience store she heard sniffle from her side
" Tosh? " she tap the kid's shoulder
The kid perked up with a tear rolling down his cheek
"What's wrong?" She asked alarmed
"B-blood!everywhere!" He said with his shaky voice
She sighed,the child was always dreaming of brutal things,also one of the things that made her adopt him is this, he pretty sure have a dark past,at a young age he has seen the horror in the world,he might not tell it straight but with his actions tell him,his pale orbs also narrate his story...
She scoot closer to him and gave him a tight brace qhisphering comforting words to him
When the child calmed down she pat his head and continued driving until they stopped by a convinienced store
"Tosh let's go!" She said
"C'mon help me find anything we can eat and some goods inside!"
She said gesturing her hand for him to reach
"Okay!" He reach..........
She smiled as they walked towards the store
I really won't regret having him!!

Sorry for late updates!!! Hehehe
Gomen ne!!!

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