Imagine XI [Tyler]

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You were on your way home after a pretty long day. You had had a rough time at work because there was a lot to do and some problems occurred that you had to take care of and all you could think about on the way back was how much you wished that Tyler, your boyfriend of around 7 months, was at home. He had been on tour for a month already and being without him was hard on the both of you. Your relationship was still very fresh and you had both known it would be difficult with him being on tour and you having to work but you didn't imagine missing him that much. Even though your thoughts were on him all the way home you knew he wouldn't be there when you opened the door to your apartment.

You twisted the key in the lock and walked inside, carelessly tossing your jacket into the corner along with your shoes, deciding to clean up some other time because today was not the day for any of that. You were too exhausted and planning to just order pizza so you wouldn't have to cook.

You were so exhausted that it took you long enough to notice the familiar smell of your favorite bubble bath coming from the bathroom and it made a frown appear on your forehead. You went to the bathroom to check and what you found there was a bubble bath ready to get in with candles placed on the sides of the big tub. You were confused because you didn't know what was going on and so you made your way to the kitchen and when you opened the door you couldn't believe it.

Tyler was standing at the stove with headphones on, nodding and humming along to whatever song he was listening to as he cut onions, not looking up at you because he hadn't heard you coming in.

"Tyler!" You exclaimed excitedly, all of your exhaustion suddenly gone as you saw your boyfriend.

As you spoke he dropped the knife and put down his headphones as he looked at you with that sweet smile of his that you had missed so much. "Y/N. Hey." He said and reached out his arms signaling for you to come over and a second later you found yourself in his arms and he kissed you quickly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, making sure he stayed close.

"What are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were on tour. You weren't supposed to be here until the 23rd. You're like 3 weeks early." You said, not sure what was going on.

"I know that, I know. But there's no show for the next two days and I wanted to see you. I missed you, okay." He said and you pulled him in for another kiss.

"I missed you too, Ty. So so much." You said burying your face in his neck for a while, simply enjoying his presence.

"Okay, so. I prepared a bubble bath for you. The water should still be hot so you better get there and just relax for a while while I cook dinner." He pointed out.

"Ty, you don't have to make dinner on your own. I'll help you." You said but he shook his head instantly.

"No, sweetie. You just got back from work and I'm sure you're exhausted. You need some time to relax and I'll make sure we get something alright to eat for dinner. You deserve a break." He pointed out and you couldn't help but to smile.

While you sat in the big bathtub a few moments later after losing the little argument over who made dinner you couldn't help but to be grateful for the dark haired boy that knew what you needed without you even having to tell him. You didn't know what you'd done to deserve him but it didn't matter as long as it had gotten you a boyfriend as caring, loving, supporting and understanding as Tyler Joseph, the guy who was standing in the kitchen cooking what smelled like your favorite food while you just laid in the bathtub, doing nothing.

I've been so lazy lately and not updating at all and I'm trying to change it so yah. Here's this. I wrote it on the subway home but I hope it's okay.  Lmk what you think about it.
Love, Me. ♡

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